03-24 Running With Scissors - Part 43: "The Bill"

03-18 The Presidential Rat Race


08-24 Welcome to BoP City

06-26 Running With Scissors - Part 42: "The Same Old"

04-30 Nigger, Please

04-22 Running With Scissors - Part 41: "The Shit"

04-15 All Guns Blazing

02-18 Running With Scissors - Part 40: "The Moon"

02-11 Running With Scissors - Part 39: "The Bimbo"

01-23 Running With Scissors - Part 38: "The Return"

01-21 Insomnia & Lullabies - Night 2: Wish Upon a Starr

01-19 DROTW - Jack Kevorkian


12-09 Running With Scissors - Part 37: "The Lift-Off"

11-29 The World is a Handicap Toilet

11-25 Running With Scissors - Part 36: "The Pro"

11-04 Running With Scissors - Part 35: "The Job"

10-22 Running With Scissors - Part 34: "The Drama"

10-21 "A Dirty Job" - A book review

10-19 The Enemy Within

10-15 Running With Scissors - Part 33: "The Plea"

10-07 Running With Scissors - Part 32: "The Test"

09-30 Running With Scissors - Part 31: "The Revenge"

09-29 DROTW - Miles Davis

09-23 Running With Scissors - Part 30: "The Presidents"

09-21 Something Rotten in the State of Religion

09-17 Running With Scissors - Part 29: "The Rose"

09-11 Running With Scissors - Part 28: "The Remembrance"

09-08 DROTW - Steve Irwin

09-01 Running With Scissors - Part 27: "The Awards"

08-31 Insomnia & Lullabies - Night 1: Shooting Stars & Solid Art

08-26 Running With Scissors - Part 26: "The Outcast"

08-20 Running With Scissors - Part 25: "The ADD"

08-19 ...and Justice for All (Mexican Drug Smugglers)

08-18 DROTW - Carl Michael Bellman

08-13 Running With Scissors - Part 24: "The Thwart"

08-06 Running With Scissors - Part 23: "The Drugs"

07-31 The Gospel of Noah (Old Testament - The Director's Cut)

07-29 Running With Scissors - Part 22: "The Controversy"

07-19 Grace's School of Parental Bliss: "Crime and Punishment"

07-15 Running With Scissors - Part 21: "A Special - The UN"

07-14 DROTW - Edgar Allan Poe

07-13 Blood of a Viking - Heart of a New World

07-09 Running With Scissors - Part 20: "The Lesson"

07-08 Anatomy of the Republicracy

07-01 Running With Scissors - Part 19: "The Cup"

06-24 Running With Scissors - Part 18: "The Disgrace"

06-23 DROTW - The Phil Hendrie Show

06-18 Running With Scissors - Part 17: "The Stand"

06-17 The Red Collar Report: "The Wasp Factory" by Iain Banks

06-66 The Musical Decline of the Devil's Cool

06-66 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

06-04 Running With Scissors - Part 16: "The Special - Pirate Bay"

06-01 Grace's School of Parental Bliss: "You - The Role Model"

05-28 Running With Scissors - Part 15: "The Fall"

05-26 DROTW - Ziggy Stardust

05-19 DROTW - Sergio Leone

05-18 The Stuff We're Really Made Of

05-12 DROTW - Jaws (When Sharks Were Sharks)

05-07 Running With Scissors - Part 14: "The New Order"

04-30 Running With Scissors - Part 13: "The Influence"

04-28 DROTW - The Unknown Rebel

04-22 Running With Scissors - Part 12: "The Headlines"

04-17 E.T. - Go Home!

04-16 Running With Scissors - Part 11: "The Secret"

04-07 DROTW - Bruce Lee

04-05 Open Mouth - Insert Camel - Swallow

04-03 Running With Scissors - Part 10: "The Beach"

03-31 Milestones & Gravestones: "Metallica & The Grammy"

03-26 Running With Scissors - Part 9: "The 911"

03-19 Running With Scissors - Part 8: "Shamus and the..."

03-17 DROTW - Little Boy and Fat Man

03-16 Milestones & Gravestones: "Greetings from Asbury Park"

03-11 Running With Scissors - Part 7: "The Idol"

03-04 Running With Scissors - Part 6: "The Schools"

03-01 Jesus May Have Walked on Water...

02-25 Running With Scissors - Part 5: "The Gem"

02-18 Running With Scissors - Part 4: "The Awards"

02-17 Grace's School of Parental Bliss: "Friends are Satan"

02-11 Running With Scissors - Part 3: The Awards

02-04 Running With Scissors - Part 2: The List

02-03 Running WIth Scissors - Part 1: The Bank

02-03 "... and I, for my part, think that Israel should be destroyed"

01-06 DROTW - Dr. Seuss


12-09 "Not a Dead Rebel of the Week"

11-20 Animals of Death - Episode 2

11-16 "There is no such thing as the Mafia"

11-05 Travel Guide: Earth Sports

11-05 America From the Inside Out (with Sebastian)

10-29 The Cursed Land

10-13 Cred and Credibility

10-12 Travel Guide: Earth Man and Religion

10-07 DROWTW - Bill Robinson

09-30 DROTW - Nicolas Copernicus

09-11 Flight Of Grace

09-02 DROTW - Loki - The God of Rebellion

08-14 Straitjacket Dreams

08-12 Driving Miss Crazy

08-07 All American Junkie

07-31 Grace's School Of Parental Bliss: "Kids & Drugs"

07-08 The Hand That Feeds

07-04 The Dead Art Of Rebellion

06-29 Act 3 The Codex of Life and Death and Everything

06-12 "Freedom of Leech"

04-27 Addicted to that rush

03-31 Justice is blind...

02-08 The Biz Sux

01-21 DROTW - Cliff Burton

01-19 Cause of Death: Rock'n'Roll

01-16 Guitarosaurus Rex - The Dying Breed

01-04 Majority in Me-Minor

01-02 Done With Rearview Mirrors


12-28 DROTW - Robert Johnson

12-20 Act 2 Let There Be Truth...

12-18 Act 1 In the beginning there were prophets

12-16 Open Letter From God

12-13 Twelve Grace of Christmas

12-10 DROTW - Wolfgang A. Mozart

12-08 Metal in a paper cup

12-07 A Graceful Bonography

12-05 A world without heroes

The Vault of Greatness. All the shit in one place, just like your momma's basement.

Just look at all that. You're welcome.