This is the Eye of Grace. This is where the world is set straight before your simple minds. This is where the shit hits the fan.

I am the shit. You are the fan.

The World is a Handicap Toilet

Before you cry me a river of PC grief, I don’t have a problem with your old Aunt Amputee needing some sort of extra arrangements for her bathroom breaks. I couldn’t really care for the details of said visit, but there it is: Go with God, old mutilated bastards of the world, this article is about something else entirely. The following rant is instead about how we, the smart and gifted ones, have lowered the bar so any idiot that washes ashore out of the cesspool of idiocy can pass for perfectly normal in a society that gets dumber by every fucking passing day.

Think about it.

The mid-term elections made me think about it all over again.

When you go to vote in some districts there are dumbed down voting ballots, with pictures of the candidates, instead of written names, so even the most retarded of backwards illiterates can cast a vote. All in the name of freedom and equal opportunity. Maybe it’s just me, but perhaps people who need a picture to pick a candidate shouldn’t be voting, period? They are, after all, not exactly the demographic by which the rest of our lives should be measured and weighed. I know for a fact that I have very little in common with an IQ-challenged smacktard who votes for the person who most resembles his Uncle Daddy. I don’t know about you.

I am in some sense a very prejudiced person. While I couldn’t really give a shadow of a fuck about people’s religion and race, since I am an atheist Swede myself – thus, way above all such banalities – I am still a die-hard bona fide dumbass-hater. When it comes to stupid people I have absolutely no understanding, patience or sympathy for their obvious handicap, and I spit on them openly. See, this whole thing with your fellow man’s wit was never even an issue up until a few decades ago. Back then society was a dog eat dog world that slowly selected its elite and trash by methods of trial and error. Geniuses thrived and were rewarded with social grace and seats of power, whereas drooling dumbasses lived in blissful ignorance about the world they wasted away in, having very little impact on things at all. It should have stayed like that. Unfortunately, the French Revolution, the feminists and Martin Luther King changed the world – for the better – and instilled us all with a sense of guilty conscience for everything unfair. It became a dirty word. Our parents belong to the Shame Generation who feel that it is up to them to set the world “right” by making it an Equal Opportunity Haven for all men and women, regardless of shape, size or form. We are all created equal, and all that.

I beg to differ.

Why should we ever need to conform a progressive society to the dumbest among us? Why are we making the mouth-breathers in our midst the least common nominator by which to divide the fruits of evolution and social achievements? They haven’t deserved it.

Back in the days you had to work hard to be good at something. Determination and professional ambitions built character. To achieve greatness you had to strive to be better than your peers, and to do that you had to work harder than all of them combined. You had to learn, you had to improve and you had to be inventive and quick on your feet. Nobody gave you shit for free, unless you were wealthy (and inbreeding weeded most of those out by a neat trick up Mother Nature’s sleeve).

These days, instead, we have a big fist-sized button, with a picture of a Big Mac on it, for the kid working the drive-thru at McDonald’s, so he knows what to club away at. We give massive scholarships, for our finest colleges, to some grinning halfwit because he can throw a fucking ball x amount of feet. At department store customer service desks we politely, and most patiently, smile at the village idiot who keeps insisting he feels cheated because he only got 1/3 off the price on this particular propeller hat, when his neighbor was in the other day and got a whole 1/4 off. Instead of doofing this dumbass, we nod and sympathize and try to explain in mild manners about store policies and how we’ll do our best to work it out. Fuck that. Why should we let these idiots coast through life, unchallenged by the rest of us? It used to be called mentally challenged for a reason, you know. These days it’s more like “retardedly blessed” instead. A license to stay dumb as fuck forever and still get by without breaking a sweat. Ignorance is finally true bliss. God, I fucking hate idiots.

The “No Child Left Behind” program in our schools has had the results that tests have multiple choices with three impossible options and one that is clear as daylight:

What is the name of the President of the USA?

A.Oreo cookies and milk
B.“We all live in a yellow submarine”
C.President George W. Bush
D.Always on a Sunday

Everybody passes and “no child is left behind”, for, God forbid, we let the idiot kids eat the smart kids’ dust. What lesson would that teach them? That they are doomed to a life pushing shopping carts in big grocery store parking lots, unless they work to get their minds in gear? Heavens, no! The one bagging your Sunday dinner will be the straight A kid who couldn’t go to college because Slow Moe scored 100 touchdowns in high school while maintaining a D average, and is now taking up room at Harvard, banging equally stupid cheer leaders that wouldn’t have spat on the smart kid in the first place.


We cater to the dumb.

What is there to push you towards excellence, or at least improvement, if everything is spoon-fed to you before you even have to wrinkle your brow to add 2 + 2? (A. Yellow  B. A cheese from goat’s milk  C. 4   D. President George W. Bush)

This equal opportunity shit has gone too far. I don’t care if I can’t hate the Arabs for being a bunch of extremist fuckheads who never smile, but there is no way I will explain anything to anybody more than twice. If you don’t get it by then you are obviously fucking stupid and not worth my time.

I liked it better when Albert Einstein developed theories and Slow Moe swept the street. That’s the way the world should work. If you didn’t know who to vote for, you weren’t invited to the ballots. Natural selection. We are fucking with the order of things when we let idiots and fontanel-scratchers walk among us as our equals. They should not be encouraged to fester in their mental inferiority, but instead we, the smart ones, should lead by example, pushing them to conform to us – rather than the other way around. I refuse to bow down, so my intellect can meet yours halfway. I may let you bask in the glory of my mind, to inspire you to better yourself, but that’s as far as I will go. And so should the rest of society. Let’s make this into a highly elitist fuck world, with clearly defined boundaries between classes of intellect.

This whole new candy-ass social “conscience” goes hand in hand with how we treat criminal psychopaths and pedophiles as well. Instead of just shooting them on the spot, like the crazy dogs they are, we “treat” them like they were worthy of our compassion and care, offering slews of psychotherapy sessions, trying to “cure” them from their fuckheadedness. Hey, if you want to fuck a kid, or if you’re hell bent on eating your parents for breakfast, then maybe you shouldn’t be walking among the rest of us living? Just a thought. Why do we break our asses to make everybody fit in to some vanilla society where we are all “equal”? Let me break it to you: we are not all equal. Some people are not worth the shit that forms crusts around the rings of gas station toilets. Some people are just beyond salvation, kids. Let them go. Let them run into the light, dodging our bullets. You don’t have to love everybody. What are you, a damn hippie?

Let’s make Natural Selection work its wonders, and slowly weed out the idiots, dumbasses, pedophiles and Paris Hilton out of the gene-pool, before we, as a society, get so dumbed down that we can’t even tell them apart from the rest of us anymore.

Then again… Our own president looks like he needs a drool cup when he stands next to Tony Blair, so what the hell are you gonna do?

That’s right… Push the fist-sized button with the picture of a smarter guy.

There… Good idiot!

I hate you.

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~ The Eye of Grace ~