This is the Eye of Grace. This is where the world is set straight before your simple minds. This is where the shit hits the fan.

You are nothing without me.
"... and I, for my part, think that Israel should be destroyed..."

I know… the world totally baffles you. You look at it and shake your silly little head in puzzled wonder, not understanding how the civilized 21st century people we are supposed to be still take any chance given us to blow each other up.

If it weren’t for the modern weapons we use today it could still be the Dark Ages, for all the difference you could tell in our sad display of bloodlust and warring temper tantrums.

The questions are why the world still looks like that, and also how we can fix it. Since you don’t know the answers, I will explain it to you.

See, there is an imbalance in the world; a force of old working against a force of new. The reason there is a shift in the World Order, leaning back towards the old, is because the new has yet to recognize that its time has come to assume responsibility of the world.

Somebody once said that the “meek” shall inherit the Earth. This is not 100% true. Actually, more specifically, it’s the Swedes that shall inherit the Earth. I know. It sounds weird to you, but you are obviously not as educated in this matter as I am. Neither are you qualified to make the insightful observations necessary to fully understand the situation and see the bigger picture.

First of all…

Why do we go to war? Hell, why do we fight about anything big, period? Most of the time it is for one of two reasons:

1,  Religion, or

2.  Politics.

Sometimes both.

The problem with these different fields of ideologies is that they both cater to the nonsensical part of the human mind - the part that takes one thing for granted and then clings to that as if it is made of gold. In the matter of faith, there is really no ultimate reason to believe needed – just an inheritance of family traditions and social doctrines. In the case of politics, we turn to the Man with the Plan and the Shiny Teeth to tell us what to do. In some cases these two caveats, religion and politics, are combined by shrewd people to start sects and cults that serve to very effectively blur the lines between politics and religion. But that is for another article altogether. Let’s just say that most people are followers because they are too lazy and stupid to find answers for themselves. Or, as we shall see, just not mentally equipped to do it.

The biggest problem with dealing with causes and beliefs forged and supported by the nonsensical part of the human brain is just that; the nonsensical people who support these ideologies. They don’t make any sense, but they don’t know it. They will stick to the things they believe, without ever listening to another and usually more rational side of things, no matter what “evidence” you provide to back up your case - be it scientific evidence or elementary lines of reasoning.

This is called “fanaticism”. You, the regular everyday person, might not think you are some close minded fanatic fuckhead, only going to church on Sundays and voting for the Republicans, but to a certain degree you fall under that classification as much as the Palestinian suicide bomber who just blew up 12 kids in a Jerusalem market square.

Let’s look at the word:

Fanatic – n., A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

So, you may not be as “extreme” as the suicide bomber, but you still adhere to an unreasoning enthusiasm for a cause; i.e. your faith and/or your political vote. I’ll bet you a million dollars you didn’t start either the religion or the party. You are a follower. If anybody tries to confront or reason out your beliefs, in a serious discussion, you put your hands on your ears and go “Lalalalalala”. Right?

You can’t argue with a fanatic.

You can’t reason with a fanatic.

The topics of religion and politics become “conversation stoppers”. You can have a lively debate going, discussing this and that and everything, until you tread the holy grounds of politics and religion – where trespassers will be shot. Once you touch upon those subjects, the religiously or politically inclined will shut down the reasonable part of his/her brain and refuse to budge an inch. The nonsensical core in them will lock all systems down. Gone is the productive debate that furthered your intellects in the little discussion you were having. The fanatic swiftly puts up a wall of “Just Because” around his/her lack of common sense and you can spend the rest of the night crashing your head to pieces against it to no avail. The discussion is over. Period.

On a grander scale, this is what stagnates societies. Debates and discussions are supposed to create a workshop for the mind, where issues are ironed out and plans are made to further enhance life for all the people of the community in question. If we can’t get past certain social or personal roadblocks because of the walls we put up around our preconceived notions of “what is”, then we can never venture into the territories of the mind to which we need to go, all of us, to evolve as human beings.

Look at the Middle East. Those societies have looked the same for thousands of years due to the obvious lack of political or religious debate. A bunch of fanatics, huddled together in the desert, waiting for the other shoe to drop so they can brand their knives and scuds and go Ins-Allah on somebody’s ass.

You have to ask yourself, is fanaticism partially genetic? Why have these people been so damn close-minded and extreme in their views on life since day one, when most other peoples have at least tried to evolve? It’s like 4,000 BC (or whatever that is in Mohammed years) there still.

Leaders in these countries, not necessarily fanatics themselves – but skilled in the art of using fanaticism to serve an end -  become prophets and omnipotent tyrants, keeping the social spirit broken and locked in chains of ignorance.

Look at Hussein for instance. A fanatic? No. An insane tyrant, perhaps, with a morbid taste in entertainment and dubious social skills. He knew how to work his crowd and how to reinforce the parts of their world that kept them in fanatic-mode throughout the years. It might be a little fucked up to have a shredder in the backyard for people you don’t like, but there is nothing fanatical about it.

Fanatics usually make poor long term leaders, since they burn out fast in a blaze of glory, trying to set the world right in their eyes. An exception is somebody like Bin Laden, who seems to have found some kind of balance between his fanatical hatred for the US and his longevity as a leader for his little group of fuckheads.

See, it is mostly the little people that are the fanatics, and since this is a serious flaw in the human psyche it can be worked, pulled and tugged at by people in power, effectively leading whole peoples by their nose.

And you too. You followed Bush into that war because “he said so”, and you are fine with censorship in music and art because it’s “morally depravated” to have curses and sex on display. If you ever took the actual time to at least argue with yourself, you would find that you really do have a problem sending your kid to die for a man you wouldn’t buy a used car from. If you actually didn’t take the world around you for granted you would see that it is not lack of government censorship in music that will turn your daughter into a crack-smoking mother at 14. It is you. By subconsciously implementing these conversation stoppers, however small, in your day-to-day life, you, yourself, are in fact becoming stagnant. By closing your mind to the bigger picture and refusing to at least see if your superstitious beliefs have any valid claims of truth whatsoever, you are becoming an easily targeted and manipulated zombie for people with grander plans than you could ever dream up. You are a puppet.

The problem with any level of fanaticism really arises when a situation finally gets to a point beyond what a fanatic’s mind can deal with. Since there never was a healthy debate, or a meeting of minds if you will, preceding this shocking revelation that the world is out to get them, their little rat brains instead switch to full attack mode instantly. Since there was never a middle ground for the fanatic to sort out his thoughts and problems in, all he has left to go with, once the point of no return has been reached, is action. And usually the actions of a fanatic are pretty dumb.

A Palestinian suicide bomber has no sense of rational reasoning, other than a frustrating need for action. If there had been a well versed dialogue between the opposing powers in Israel and Palestine, the idea to go blow himself up would never arise. I mean, when you really think about it you pretty much make an ass of yourself blowing little kids up that never did anything to anybody you know. Plus, you are yourself spray painted over the nearest wall from the blast. Doesn’t make sense. If religion and politics had not been issues here, but just physical territorial divisions for practical reasons of living, then an agreement would have been met ages ago. Unfortunately, the great inherited conversation stopper of past bad blood politics put a big old monkey wrench in the works, and events take an ugly turn from empty words to direct action. No middle gears. It’s either “stop” or “full throttle”.

Anybody who is in any way religious is also in that same way a fanatic at one level or another. That’s a dangerous thing, as we can see on the news every day.

Political affiliation can easily turn into levels of fanaticism as well. After a while, everything your guy says makes perfect sense, and all anybody says to contradict that is just false propaganda. The step between being a Republican or a Democrat, and being a Nazi in 1930’s Germany, marching up and down the street, is MUCH smaller than you think.

That’s why your daughter is a crack whore, too. You never talked to her about the actual stuff that bothered her, no matter how uncomfortable or controversial the subjects might be. You never put yourself in her position. You just laid down the law as recommended to you by society and she took the extreme route to a personal hell by getting pregnant by Jamal Washington before the middle school homecoming dance. That’s your fault for being a narrow-minded dumbass.

So what do we do?

How do we deal with a fanatic when he attacks our people? Do we just sit there idly and turn other cheeks left and right?

Well, first… ask yourself, who does the fanatic attack, really?

Right. Other fanatics. The polar opposites of their own beliefs. That’s why we have the Taliban-American hate connection instead of the Taliban-Swedish hate connection.

Fanatics only fuck with fanatics. That’s where the battle of the midget minds takes place, usually with loud explosions and accompinied by the chatter of machine guns. People being led by their leaders to deal with other people, lead by their leaders, all fighting over some mysterious extreme cause never fully reasoned out or explained. There is no need.

See, there is no hope for these countries, these peoples and these religions. They are all screwed.

So what do we do?

I have some bad news.

Unfortunately for you, you’re pretty much fucked as well. America has kind of wallowed in its own ignorance and delusions of grandeur for far too long. You look to others for guidance and have stopped thinking for yourself.

We already know that the Middle East is fucked. They won’t ever change.

So, the Swedes got it right: a 95% atheist country with the most vanilla social-friendly excuse for politics in the world. Everybody is pretty happy and takes any chance to indulge in brain acrobatics with fellow verbal combatants. Life is “average” and it requires very little actual effort to make it comfortable.

No subject is taboo, no topic is a holy cow, and everything is worked out to enhance the personal existence we all call “life”.

Seemingly, the neutral atheist Swedes are the “meek” who shall inherit the Earth. I bet Jesus never saw that coming, huh? They are the ones to lead the world into the next century, free from ignorance and superstition.

In order to do this we, of course, have to nuke Israel into a slab of glass. That will throw most people off, and quite frankly, Israel is always right there in the middle of all the fucking problems of the world anyway – so good riddance. Then we have to also, in order of appearance, take out the following countries: North Korea, Russia, France, India, the whole Middle East, all of Asia and then just hit the rest of them at random, like those clay pigeons at the shooting range. “Pull!” BAM! There goes Honduras. “Pull!” BAM! There went Canada.

In the end, we’ll only have America and Sweden, and since America is a prejudiced stagnant society, steeped in double standards and corrupt politics, populated by mindless zombies, we will have to commit mass nuclear suicide, leaving Sweden to tend to their raspberry orchards and fuss around in the lamp section at IKEA.

Blessed are the meek Swedes, because they shall inherit the Earth. By removing themselves from religious hocus pocus and political cul de sacs they have created a Utopia of personal freedom and social progress.

And nevermind their nun-raping pillaging of Viking days gone by, or the fact that they used to push their old relatives down steep cliffs to die when they became too much of a burden - the Swedes got all that out of their systems and have now dedicated themselves to more productive endeavors.

Then again… Swedes are fucking nuts and spend more time worrying about their pets than their neighbors. They think ABBA is pop’s answer to Mozart and that Volvos are actually comfortable. The weather is dreary and they don’t season their food. At least the buses run on time, and they don’t blow up either. Sometimes you gotta compromise and just roll with it, people. That’s the key to the future.

Sweden Hell 3000, here we go.

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