This is the Eye of Grace. This is where the world is set straight before your simple minds. This is where the shit hits the fan.

You are nothing without me.
"Nigger, Please"

No, really… please.

Throughout this article I will use some strong language, and I would ask of you, dear poor easily upset PTA moms, to just put on your propeller hats, sit the fuck down and shut the hell up. It’s time for some hard cold truths from that old nasty place called “reality”, and I can’t sugar coat it for you, so just pay the fuck attention, mmkay?

First of all, I am not a racist (like they all say), so any thoughts of chalking the following up to some KKK mentality of mine can be flushed from your mind right now. Remember, I hate everybody – you too – so there is no preferential treatment on my part.

Are we done?



Al Sharpton is a douche bag.

Who the hell died and made him a welfare Martin Luther King Jr?

Fucking Don King? They go to the same fucking hairdresser, at least.

Anyway, Al Sharpton is a douche bag and The Ultimate Nigger.

I know, I said the N-word, but that’s my point. See, there are two types of people in this world: fighters and victims. In a way, most of us are fighters. We struggle through school, work some crap jobs at McDonald’s or your Uncle’s Car Wash in the summers to make money your parents won’t give you, and then you crash course through college so you can get a half-decent job and live to pay your rent. It’s not always a bed of roses, but it’s life. What are you gonna do, right? Lay down and die?

Well, you could, like Al Sharpton advocates, be a victim.

A victim doesn’t take responsibility for his or her own life, but just coasts through existence, led by a broken compass of uselessness and the words of others.

A black victim is called a “nigger”.

We are all supposed to ooh and ahh at each other in shock, for ever daring to take such an ugly word in our mouths, but fuck it. I say way worse things about you, to your face, involving your mother and certain fornicational instances, than that word, nigger, could ever project.

So, let’s just establish that a black “victim”, from now on, will be referred to as a “nigger”.

A nigger is a black person who just won’t rise to his or her own potential, because he or she is just that; black.

As if that mattered.

Let me introduce you unbelievers to a fact:

We are all from somewhere else. Some are Lithuanian, whose great grand parents came with a boat in the early 20th century. Others are of Italian heritage and back then they couldn't get any kind of work anywhere in New York, other than underpaid masonry that killed half the grown men. Hell, Irish need not even apply. Remember? Chinese people were boated in and built our railroads for a bowl of rice and 20 lashes for flinching. And, of course, millions of Africans were shipped in to work the plantations in human bondage.

Why are there no Chinese Al Sharptons? There is no Chang Sharpton, standing up for the rights of his poor unfortunate Chinese brethren, shouting out injustices committed to his race from the top of the mountains.

There is no Patrick O’Sharpton, demanding retroactive amends for his Irish people that could get no work for all those years.

And so on…

Is the picture starting to get clearer?

We all came to this country, in one way or another, and we all worked our fingers to the bone to get somewhere. Today, we all, no bullshit, have the same opportunity to get anywhere we want in this country. Our own drive is the limit. Slavery ended in 1865 in America. That is almost 150 years ago. Are you seriously telling me that it takes that long for a million-strong community to break out of the victim mentality? Yes, we had racial segregation well into the 20th century, but then again… so did we for a lot of different ethnicities. Maybe not to the extent the black people suffered, but still enough to keep neighborhoods off limits to others, and for the “xxx need not apply” in the windows of local shops.

So, you got raped in the ass? Yeah, that sucks, but you either lay down and die or you bite the bullet and rise from the ashes of your innocence.

Those are your only two choices.

Al Sharpton wants America to hold the hand of every nigger who has chosen to just lay down and die, sucking his thumb, and this is what creates more niggers; more “victimized” poor people who just floats by with a sense of entitlement – like we owe them, and should just give them stuff, instead of them having to work for it.

“Well, you don’t know what we went through. You’re not black so you couldn’t possibly understand. You don’t live here in the ghetto.”

Blah, blah blah… Piss and moan, bitch and groan… Shut the fuck up with that already. I am so goddamn tired of the crybaby frame of mind these people resort to as soon as their situation is brought into the spotlight.

Fuck that.

I owe you people nothing. Whether you’re black, white, yellow or red… go fuck yourself.

You create your own destiny, or you just breathe until you die. Sink or swim.

The Mexicans jumping the borders have more integrity and self-worth than the niggers of America. They stay under the radar and work their asses off to make for a better life for their families. No sense of entitlement there, just work. I still think they should be rounded up and gassed for bleeding us dry, but I also respect their work ethics and fighter mentality.

Our black ghettos have resorted into some sort of Soviet Union mentality, where the only way out of the misery is to become a star. In the days of the old Soviet Union, athletes defected to become hockey pros or ice skater stars, just as young black people strive to become famous rappers, babbling about guns and bitches, instead of doing their fucking homework and going to college. Always looking for the easy way out.

And the niggerism is spreading… There is a whole generation of spoiled white brats growing up now, harboring the same sense of entitlement the niggers do, but for a different reason. We already gave these kids everything, on a silver spoon, and now they have gotten so used to the Process of Instant Gratification that they will expect it throughout life, without having to lift a finger.

Hey, we need people to operate the machinery and pick the potatoes, people. We can’t all be web designers or fulltime myspace writers. More work for the Mexicans I guess. We are feeding our own monster here.

This whole thing with Don Imus was ridiculous. Not only did he get fired for being sarcastic about the nappy ho’s that play on a certain women’s basketball team (is it defamation of character if it’s true?), but his right to freedom of speech and the freedom of press was also less important than the rights of some unrelated black people to cry “victim” again.

People from all walks of society feel Imus should make amends, and even apologize to Al Sharpton publicly – like Sharpton is now the Black Pope.

The second you have to apologize for speaking your mind there is something wrong here. And it’s not because black basketball women are nappy ho’s. It’s because people like Al Sharpton need black people to stay “niggers” so they have a purpose to fill. Al Sharpton is a Nigger Factory, keeping his own people down so they won’t realize their worth, and instead feeding on their insecurities and apathy to make a name for himself. If you know who you are, you don’t need some black preacher with an 80’s porn weave, to stand up for you.

You stand up for yourself.

The second you need somebody to hold your hand, you are already sliding down Victim Hill, faster than a shithouse in a mudslide.

Here’s an advice to black people in America:

Shut the fuck up, go to school, do your homework, work at McDonald’s or your uncle’s pawn shop, go to college and join the rat race with the rest of us miserable motherfuckers.

We owe you nothing, but you owe to yourselves to make your own fucking stupid lives work for you. Never mind me, Al Sharpton and the KKK...

It's just up to you.

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