This is the Eye of Grace. This is where the world is set straight before your simple minds. This is where the shit hits the fan.

You are nothing without me.
The Freedom of Leeches

“Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?”

Oh, say can you see, the Great American Fathers putting together the US constitution all those years ago? Can you see them jotting down the Bill Of Rights and then reading that first amendment back to themselves; “…or abridging the freedom of speech…”, nodding fatherly and patting each other on the back as they congratulate themselves on being modern enough to actually include civil rights in their plan for a new America?

Little did they know…

It sounds good though, right? “Freedom of speech”… I can think whatever I want, and also express that thought to anybody I want, because after all… it is my constitutional right to do so.

It must have been hard writing a constitution for a whole country, trying to predict what effects a law written back then will have for a future America, or what impact certain simple phrases will have on things they couldn’t even foresee in their wildest dreams, since the very notion of such things would be as alien to these old kooks as women’s right to vote or gangsta rap. They did the best they could with what they had, and tried to be as simple and comprehensive as possible.

Time goes by and society changes like a slideshow of seasons with the momentum of its thirst for progress. It melts old prejudices and foolish notions, it pushes new ideas up from the underground and lets them bloom into debates that set the winds of change blowing… It basks in the glory of its technical achievements and bathes itself in the wonder of advanced human relations. But then once those ideas and achievements have been established and proven as something beneficial for its people, the spirit of society starts to wither a little and dark clouds form in the sky, hiding the original shine of the new ideas and thoughts in deep shadows. Before anything is done to clear things up, the tired society finds its resting place and goes into hibernation, freezing those new ideas into place, not giving an inch until new reforms kick it awake to a new spring.

This is why we constantly change our laws. What looked great on paper all those years ago, can have little or nothing to do with us today. “Freedom of speech” meant a world of difference to people in a newly liberated America, compared to the spoiled nation we live in today. Today we take that inch, add another mile as well, and just run with it…

The problem with us humans is that we are… well, human. There is no law that is easily applied to all of us since we all represent a plethora of opinions, feelings and beliefs. That’s why they thought it wise to make that point in the beginning. “Freedom of speech”, meaning – we encourage all you motherfuckers to think for yourself and stand up for yourself, so in case the Brits come from across the pond again you won’t just roll over and play dead.

Today it means something else…

Today it is something so deeply engraved in the mind of the average Joe Schmoe that we take it for granted. Who’s to tell us what we can think or say? The power of freedom of speech is lost on us. Instead that power rears an uglier face these days as every fuckhead in the world feels justified to propagate his twisted line of thinking to his surroundings, broadcasting insanity with all the right in the world.

Any off-beat nutjob can stand up and plead the first amendment, while abusing that license to all hell and back.

Where do we draw the line? And can we really do that anyway?

Take NAMBLA for instance… Let me give you a short background on this organization for our international readers…

NAMBLA stands for “North American Man/Boy Lover Association”, and is basically a pedophile club. A big huge pedophile club. I am sure they have a spa and everything…

NAMBLA’s official agenda on Man/Boy relationships are (according to their official website):

*Building understanding and support for such relationships

*Educating the general public on the benevolent nature of
man/boy love

*Supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual
prejudice and oppression

What this means is that they use the first amendment to justify their perversions.

Let’s take a look at what a pedophile was a hundred years ago. I am sure there were as many sexually distorted people back then, harboring lustful thoughts for children, as there are today. The only difference, and there is a huge difference, is that back then they were on their own. They wallowed in the frustration of their own minds and thoughts, and knew that acting out on this behavior was socially condemned. Of course some did anyway, sexual predators are after all just that – animals, but probably far less than today.

The problem with today’s society is that because of “the freedom of speech” we have to let these perverts prowl our world and build networks for pedophile interaction. We allow these people to justify their own line of thinking and to put themselves on equal footing with the rest of us. They are not alone anymore. They find like-minded people who think just like them, and hey… then they can’t all be wrong, right? If 10,000 pedophiles have a club together, do they then wield some kind of political power? They are still just as fucked in the head as the guy who wants to steal your 5-year old from the playground, and we ALLOW them to perpetuate their own perversions. We make them right.

We are so afraid to touch the first amendment that we’d rather put our own children at risk than shut these fucks down.

Why is it that “freedom of speech” should apply to all and everything the same? People in general seem to think that if we start dissipating it for some, then we will all be standing in line for bread tomorrow as people in beige uniforms yell “achtung achtung" at us from bullhorns.

Not so…

What right do these pedophiles have to put a third innocent party at risk of death or violence, by encouraging their predatory members to act on their sick agenda?

They are abusing YOUR license to speak freely by dismantling the very concept of it. If we don’t shut people like these down now, it will affect our future generations greatly in terms of what the first amendment will mean to them.

We worry about Janet Jackson’s tit and whether Ray should be allowed to say “crap” on national TV, and at the same time NAMBLA is rallying political support for child rape under the sanctity-umbrella of the Bill of Rights.

If we can draw a line for the dialogue in a soap opera, we can just as well inform organizations like NAMBLA that their license to speak has expired and that they are hereby served with a cease and desist order. Who the hell is going to complain? Only NAMBLA themselves and the idiots who think this will impact their freedom, when it in fact was already watered down a long time ago.

When the freedom of speech puts an innocent third party at risk, there is no reason why it shouldn’t be taken away from the instigators. Anything else would be just stupid.

America is so afraid to lose all that we have spoiled ourselves with, that we'd rather let monsters prowl our world and get away with murder… literally.

If we as a nation can’t take charge of situations like these and correct them, we are in fact betraying the very concept of America, where our children should be able to sleep safely at night.

Sometimes it’s better to be brave, than to be free.

There is a question mark at the end of that last line of the National Anthem:

“O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

You decide what to make of that.

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~ The Eye of Grace ~
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