The Cursed Land

Welcome to the Cursed Land.

Go ahead. Take a good look. Take in the endless deserts that stretch from horizon to horizon, scraped by dry hot winds and baked by a scorching sun. As you can see, not much grows here. The occasional bush and some hardy flowers, mainly thistles. Water wells are far and few in between. Most of them are rancid anyway.

On this particular ground, where we stand right now, immense armies of great evil have crashed into other immense armies, time after time, massacring each other to the last man standing, soaking the barren soil in rivers of blood that seeped all the way down to the bedrock. On this patch of sand, right here, the son of a god was murdered - whipped, flogged, mocked and nailed to a wooden cross. By that rock, just over there, a thousand people were hacked to pieces because they believed the words of the wrong prophet. On that street corner a pregnant woman was stoned to death, her unborn child leaking out of her mangled body after the rocks had crushed her abdomen. By that wall, over by the fig tree, a group of children were blown to pieces, their limbs and intestines falling down from the sky like doomsday rain.

Right here, countless people, millions upon millions, have been bereaved their lives, their friends and their families. Right here, massive powers of darkness have descended upon each other throughout history, relentlessly striking each other down with eyes shining like wildfire.

Look around you. As far as you can see, these lands have been soaked in the blood of all these men and women, saints and sinners, prophets and gods. Take a walk upon the dust of bones and sands of sorrow. It is, after all, what this place is made of - pain, death and suffering. There is no hope here. No glory. No mercy. Nothing but despair and hate. Nothing but violence and bloodshed.

These were once the Holy Lands. In some cultures they still call them that, desperately clinging to a belief in miracles of salvation. This was the “Promised Land”, the Kingdom of Heaven, where rivers would flow with milk and honey and where peace and love would rule supreme until the end of time. This was a gift from a god to his beloved people. This was where the souls and hearts of all humanity would finally come together as one.

The Love of God was here. The sincere intent of Good Men was here. The true spirit of compassion was all-encompassing.

What went wrong?

How could an oasis of bliss turn into a wasteland of evil? How could God fearing and loving people turn on each other, like cats and dogs, when there was to be no more wars? No more heartache?

Why are the people who live in this region the most violent, aggressive, ignorant and extreme human beings on Earth? Why is this place a magnet for all other forces of death and destruction in this World as well? 

The answer must be that these lands are cursed. God saw the true face of his believers and took his hand away from them. The Sickness of the Sands poisoned the people in the womb and festered in them like the Curse of Hate.

God ain’t here no more, kids. His face moved upon the desert and then flew over the hills and far away. These lands ain’t holy any longer. The shadow grows longer towards the dark side of tomorrow and everybody living under it is doomed to repeat the sins of their fathers. These people never learn.

See that valley over there? That’s Gehenna. The Romans translated the name into “hell”, put it in the new Bible and used it to create an image of the Devil’s playground. It was originally a place where the people of Jerusalem burned the wastes of the city; the garbage, the animal remains and the sinners. Now it’s just another anvil for the hammer of the sun. Just another desolate patch of un-forgiveness.

This is hell. These are the unholy lands. This is the true Absence of God.

“Never mind Argentina,” their God seems to say. “Don’t cry for me, Palestina. Don’t pray to me, Israel. Don’t cry period, you ungrateful stupid fucking bastards. You can all rot in the hell you have created for yourselves, for all I care.”

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~ The Divine Tragedy ~
Religion is the source of most things evil. Let me bone it out for you.

In Me I trust.
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