Rock’n’Roll is something my generation has taken for granted for so long that it is a dying art form these days. We kind of always figured it would be there to satisfy our need for a quick fix of adrenaline, not realizing it’s a two way street; we need to revive the genre every once in a while or it will die a slow painful death at the hands of the powers that be.

In this series, Milestones & Gravestones, I will take some snapshots of Rock’n’Roll history, presenting you with some monumental moments that changed the world of music forever.

It can be an album, a person, an event, the birth of a sub-genre… anything. It can be a huge colossal epic episode that shook the world, but it can also be something that totally passed by under the radar for most people but still had a major influence on things in the long run. It can be an in depth review of an obscure album or a rant on how iTunes have already killed the next Led Zeppelin.

So welcome to this new chapter of Rock’n’Roll Requiem. I hope you will enjoy it.

Milestones & Gravestones:

03/31 Gravestone in Rock: Metallica NOT Winning the Grammy in 1989

03/16 Milestone in Rock: Bruce Springsteen’s “Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ”