The Codex of Life, Death and Everything

Welcome to the Divine Tragedy, aka "The Grace School of Intellectual Superiority". This is the column in which I go off on a philosophical tangent and bury myself in my own words until all sense of time and place is utterly lost. If you thought I was longwinded before, you ain’t seen nothing yet…

In today’s lecture I am going to take on the rather modest task of dissecting the Christian Bible, tell you what lies inside, and for what reasons.

I find The Bible to be fascinating. It has survived through the ages as one of mankind's most important collection of documents. The book continues to spawn great controversy and blind faith alike, even in these days of moral corruption and spiritual bankruptcy.

What is the Bible really? Who wrote it? And why?

Of course Yours Truly has all the answers, and it is my duty as your spiritual mentor to set things straight.

Given the extent of this project, I will do this in three installments as follows:

1.Origin & HistoryThe boring facts and the shocking truths

2.Applications & Interpretations – Used and abused beyond recognition

3.Contradictions & Inconsistencies A closer look at what doesn’t make any sense

All of you with closed minds and Goldfishitis (short attention spans) are hereby excused and can go play in the ball-jump until I send for you.

Are we ready? Thinking caps on? I am so proud… Now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, you are about to actually learn something…

Click on lesson above to start your education.

Religion is the source of most things evil. Let me bone it out for you.

In Me I trust.
~ The Divine Tragedy ~
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