This is the Eye of Grace. This is where the world is set straight before your simple minds. This is where the shit hits the fan.

You are nothing without me.
Justice is Blind, Deaf and Dumb - But Never Mind

This article was inspired by a thread on our eminent message board
about Johnnie Cochran’s death. Thanks for getting my brain in gear guys…

Let’s say I murder somebody.

Let’s say I stalk some woman, follow her home, crawl through her broken bedroom window and shoot her point blank in the face as she’s lying in her bed.

Never mind why.

She’s now dead as fuck and I’m a murderer.

Now let’s say I made a lot of mistakes during the murder which eventually leads to my arrest. Maybe I cut myself on the glass so my DNA can be extracted from the blood on the window sill. Maybe a neighbor walking his dog saw me as I scurried for my car and wrote down the plate number. Maybe the cops just got lucky and pulled me over in a speed trap and I let it slip that I just killed some bitch.

Whatever… I get arrested.

If they were good enough they could get all kinds of evidence. Maybe I forgot my gun on her bed. Maybe I got rid of the gun but I still have enough gun powder residues on my hand to be matched to the exact chemical composition of the gunpowder residue found at the scene of the crime.

Let’s just say they were good little cops and caught me. I’m done, right? Lock me up and throw away the key.


This is where the circus starts. It all depends on who I am and who I can afford to choose to represent me. That’s where the precious American judicial system starts going downhill faster than a shithouse in a mudslide.

The system sucks. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

There are two angles from where to approach what now follows.

Presumed innocent until proven guilty” my ass.

Weeks before the trial, my face and name is plastered all over the news. The same pictures of me being led into the prison van, wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles, are rolled over and over on the news. “Killer caught? Our exclusive update coming up next…”

All of a sudden I don’t look so “innocent” in the public eye with my mug shot on the front cover of the New York Post under the headline “Presumed Killer denied $1,000,000 bail”

If my name and face is already linked to the murder it doesn’t matter much that the judicial system considers me “innocent” since my supposedly "impartial" peers already have sentenced me from what they’ve been fed in the media. My upcoming trial might be "speedy" and "public" as according to the sixth amendment in the constitution, but what about "fair"? How can I expect a fair trial if I'm already halfway to prison before my trial has even started?

Oh, well… Time to select the jury.

A great system. “Judged by your peers”. Works like a motherfucker. In theory…

In reality you are judged by a bunch of no-life degenerates, both hand picked by the defense and the prosecutor hand for the trial because they were the most impressionable losers, the most bored housewives and the loneliest sociopaths in the lot. Blank slates to write all kinds of lies upon.

I won’t stand a chance.

Of course this should only really bother an innocent man.

An innocent man could fry in a situation like this. A situation we see every single day.

Tough luck in my case, because I was definitely guilty remember?

I’m so guilty that Charles Manson is casting the first stone after my ass, yelling “Burn in hell. you sick motherfucker”.

What does a hands down guilty individual such as I do when facing trial?

Let’s say I have money.

Now I can turn to my accountant and see what lawyer I can afford. I have the latest issue of the Not Guilty Guild Magazine here.

Hmm… Let’s see… This guy got OJ out of a clear cut case… This guy got Michael Jackson out of trouble… Hmmm… This one got five obvious murderers off the hook so they can roam the streets again like free men… He’s got a nice smile too. I’ll take that one.

Mr. Sharkgrin.

So I deposit a generous sum of money into Mr. Sharkgrin’s account and we go to trial. Before we go to court though, my lawyer has his vast staff go investigate every aspect of my case. He has the means to do it all. Every person involved is scrutinized and checked. Not a rock is left unturned in anybody’s backyard. When the day of my trial is here me and Mr. Sharkgrin walk into the court room all confident and smug.

During the following four weeks my lawyer proceeds to tear the prosecutor’s case apart.

“The blood on the windowsill was from several nights before the murder and was caused by the victim and the defendant having sexual intercourse and during the tumultuous event the window broke and my client cut himself. The victim was a whore, here are all her former lovers, all holding grudges.

My client’s car resembles 3,465 other cars in the state where only one letter or digit of the plate differs, and the neighbor’s eyesight can’t be held for absolute truth since he’s not 20/20, and it was in the middle of the night.

The gun was not my client’s, and the gun powder residue could have come from the arresting officer’s hands while cuffing him.

My client's supposed statement that he “killed the bitch” was made before he signed the Miranda Warning at the station, and since my client was not properly read his rights at the time of the arrest and didn’t acknowledge understanding them, nothing he said at the time can be held against him.”

All statements are accompanied by countless documents, eye witness accounts, character witnesses and sworn testimonies that distract, confuse and side track the hearings.

Four weeks later even the sociopaths and the housewives of the jury are tired and want to go home before they miss track of what’s transpiring on “Days of our lives”. To hell with this case…

Since I can only be convicted of murder in the first degree if it’s proven “without a reasonable doubt” that I killed this woman, I walk.

Free and clear.

They can’t do anything else. My super lawyer may not have proved my innocence, but he punched big holes in the evidence that tied me to the crime, and that’s all we need to let a murderer like me walk.

Money well spent.

The system is beaten. I bought myself some "reasonable doubt".

An overworked prosecutor, handling dozens of cases on minimal manpower can't compete with Mr. Sharkgrin.

The jury system doesn’t work. The jurors are just ordinary everyday impressionable people with no prior experience of smooth talking lawyers and hardened criminals, and these jurors are exclusively selected by the very persons that are out to dupe them. They only know what they read before the trial and what the lawyers are telling them during the trial. They don’t ever get the real story.

They are not anybody’s peers, they are the lawyers’ tools.

One might argue that in the case of the guilty murderer the fact that my star lawyer steamrolled the weak prosecution is effectively cancelled out by the fact that the media hung me by my balls before the trial, and that it is therefore a fair trial again. Back to square one… That would be like calling Siegfried and Roy straight because they wear sparkling costumes. It doesn’t make any sense that two wrongs make a right.

The legal system sucks.

Can we blame the lawyers? Of course not. They get paid to do a job and they do it. A soldier goes to war and kills whoever his officer tells him to kill, all morals aside. A doctor will give a new kidney to Charles Manson because that’s his job.

Can we blame the jurors? Why? For being stupid? For being cluelessly played like violins by convincing lawyers who do this for a living every day? For folding under the immense pressure none of them have ever experienced before? For wanting to go home to family and jobs so they can survive in that daily grind called life instead of dedicating yet another stressful day to a hopeless case?

Naturally not…

No… It’s the fundaments of the judicial system that don’t work. The original thought was good. That was back in the day of small towns where you were literally judged by your “peers”. That was long before you could buy a sly lawyer to wash the blood off your hands. That was before media was around to judge you long before anything you had to say in your defense would be heard in court.

The fact that a guy like Johnnie Cochran, obviously a brilliant man at what he did, could get his clients off the hook when they later got convicted in civil law suits for the same crime, shows that the system doesn’t work. Either you’re guilty or you’re not guilty. There is no middle ground.

We have a different society today than when our judicial system was first invented and established. It’s time to reform it.

People suspected of a crime should:

* Have their identities protected until the day of the trial

* Be judged by a professional jury with extensive experience of similar crimes

* Be prosecuted by a professional lawyer as employed by the unbiased court

* Be defended by a professional lawyer as employed by the unbiased court

Some people might scream: “What if the schmuck assigned to my case won’t see the case my way?” Well, if you’re innocent, you’re innocent and no evidence can convict you regardless of your attorney’s qualities. If you’re guilty, you’re guilty and you should go to prison regardless of your lawyer’s qualities to defend you. The burden of proof is with the prosecutor’s side and is based on the police department’s investigation. If the proof is there you will be convicted, if not… you walk.

What’s the problem?

I’ll tell you exactly what the problem is…

Are you ready?

The problem is that you shouldn’t have got yourself caught in the first place, stupid.

What the fuck is the matter with you?

You should have planned your murder better and executed it with precision.

First, take a three week vacation. Follow the victim for at least one week to establish a pattern, then pick your day. Two days before the murder you report your car stolen and keep it in a rental garage. Shave of all facial hairs, including your eyebrows. Pluck your nose. Wear thin surgical gloves, a ski mask and somebody else's clothes you got from the Salvation Army. Wear only new socks, no shoes, and keep your pant legs tucked into those socks so any body hair doesn’t fall on the carpet. Likewise your shirt should be tucked into your pants and the sleeves of your shirt tucked in under the gloves. Any hairs or strands of DNA falling off those clothes won't be yours.

On the day of the murder, arrive at the house half an hour after the victim leaves for work. It has to be on a Friday so she is gone during the day and still not expected for work the next day. Take out your home made plastic cone and fill it carefully with water from the kitchen faucet. Put it in the back of the victim’s freezer.

Every three hours you call your cable TV provider from your cell and order a carefully selected pay-per view event of proper length to your home system, giving you an alibi. Then wait until the last minute as her car pulls up and then hide in the most remote corner of her house. Don’t make any moves or sounds until several hours later when the victim is sound asleep.

Sneak into the kitchen (socks remember?), take the cone out of the freezer, take the now frozen and sharp icicle out of the cone, sneak into her bedroom and plunge it deep into her eye before she knows what hit her. Don’t worry about getting rid of the murder weapon. It will melt and disappear and take any traces of you with it.

Now sneak out the backdoor and wait for the coast to be absolutely clear. Then walk as inconspicuously as possible to your car parked two streets down and drive towards home.

This is the only risky part, as your car is reported stolen, but let's face it... how often do you get pulled over if you actually follow the rules and regulations? Do so.

Five blocks away from home you park the car in one of those run down lots where people have their cars for private sale, and walk the last bit.

Stay indoors for two weeks so you at least get some eyebrow growth back, and have time to piece by piece get rid of the clothes you wore that night as burnt ashes in the garbage, and then (if no one did already) call in an anonymous tip to where your car can be found so you get it back free and clear with a solid alibi.

Buy no newspapers, only watch the news on TV, and don’t ever ask people about the crime. To you it’s just another statistic… If you don't know anything about the investigation, you are more likely to pass a lie detector test in the unlikely event you would ever be targeted as a suspect.

Idiots… They’ll never catch you, and if they do… Just call Mr. Sharkgrin. He'll take care of you.

It’s America baby. Money talks and you walk.

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