Talent Gone To Waste?

Some people believe that one or more special talents are innate to every human being which sets them apart from everybody else. Be it a talent for great artistic accomplishment, certain sporty activities or even the arguable advantage of being able to suck your own cock.

In my opinion, talent is overrated. Everyone can be good at what he decides to do if he puts enough effort into it (although that realization is not too comforting if you’re as lazy as I am; but then again – chances are that you’re not). The fact it might be easier for another guy doesn’t make him more of an eligible candidate for the aim at hand.

What I don’t understand, though, is the pressure put on the supposedly talented by people wanting them to meet their expectations when in fact it’s none of their business. Just because you could do it, and perhaps you could do it with ease, doesn’t mean you should.
Just think of my example above: the guy who’s able to suck his own cock. I mean, sure, there aren’t many people who can do that, and there would probably be a way to make that capability pay off somehow, but nonetheless chances are that the person in question would still be grossed out by cumming in his own mouth. (And if you ask me… rightfully so.)

Just because you’re good at bullshitting other people doesn’t mean you should become a lawyer. Just because you’re good at playing silly video games doesn’t mean you should become a programmer. Just because you’re good at imitating some fake MTV ghetto skank doesn’t mean you should go to one of those annoying Idol shows. Just because you’re gay it doesn’t mean you should become an interior decorator. Just because you’re female, yet can spray cum all over the place every time you orgasm doesn’t mean you should do that on camera for money.

Oh, wait. That last one was bullshit. You definitely should do that!

Why do people feel the need to school others on making the most of their talents? Most of the time it’s not even friends who do that, but early in life it’s teachers, coaches, parents and later probably some asshole at the employment center.

Disregarding those who somehow want to take advantage of your talent themselves or those who just want you to be happy for some odd reason, there’s nothing about it that concerns anyone but you. Would the world change for the better if you acted out on your talents? Or does anyone actually believe there’s a reason some people are exceptionally gifted in certain ways? Are you meant to do this or that?

No matter how you slice it, searching a reason for why you were born the way you are smells of religious bullshit.

I’ve had people telling me shit like that many times trying to give me the impression it was very important for some reason. Say it with me: It doesn’t matter at all. The world doesn’t give a shit about what you’re doing or if you’re “wasting” your precious talent.

I’m convinced that most of the time one of the following scenarios applies to everyone:
- You know you’re good at something that you absolutely hate
- You know you’re good at something that you like but you also know it’s completely worthless in terms of making a living from it or even to expect someone to appreciate it
- You don’t know about your talent

People from the last category are either bigger morons than the ones who don’t fit any of these (meaning they’re not good at anything) or just insecure or egomaniacal lying fuckheads who practice something all day knowing damn well about it and still claim they’re average to enhance the value of their accomplishments.

What’s the point in doing something you clearly don’t enjoy if you still have a choice? For instance, you’re a good writer… Straight A-student and everyone tells you to go to college to study further in that field. You could get a Master's degree in Journalism without putting much effort into it. That would most likely allow you to work for some big newspaper later or something like that.
Now imagine you don’t give a fuck about anything but, say… model railways. World politics, economics, science… it’s all just Greek to you. You don’t care about all that crap as long as you can get your hands on the new R702 Driving Trailer No. 370001 before your neighbour does.
So despite making good money you would feel it was a drag and you would hate having to research shit you’re not interested in at all day after day. Your articles wouldn’t suffer because you know how to write and you’re a pro after all, although you can’t fool yourself into believing it wasn’t dull compared to the model variations of the advanced passenger train made in 1974 by whatever nerd-company.
Okay, you could still write for the Model Railway Express Mag instead, but I don’t think anyone of your fellow graduates would understand that. All that talent gone to waste!
What should you do? Getting paid much less for something you enjoy, that makes you happy everyday? Or listening to your level-headed co-workers who admire you for your writing style but can not understand your passion for something completely different?

Okay, provided you’re really interested in nothing but model railways you should obviously just kill yourself immediately but aside from that I think it’s more desirable to do what makes you happy than slowly becoming a miserable person, albeit a rich one.

Or the other way around: you have a steady job that you don’t mind too much and that allows you a great deal of spare time that you spend playing in a band. You’re really good at your instrument, too. Maybe so good that everyone keeps telling you to try to make a living playing music fulltime. But since you’re actually happy with your situation and maybe too chickenshit to give up all the security in your life, you decide not to quit your job just to discover the music business is not your thing.
Again, I doubt your band mates would understand it. All that talent gone to waste!
Fuck them. You can still play everyday and you don’t need to worry about having money for new strings. By doing something on the side instead of having pressure ruin it for you you’re not wasting anything. Hell, even if you’re giving up playing altogether: If you feel like it doesn’t lead you anywhere in spite of your incredible talent, go for it.

I’m not saying everything should go down the shitter because everyone has the right to screw up while doing stuff they suck at. The rule of thumb on this subject is; Don’t worry about what you or others think you’re talented in, just try to do what you enjoy as much as possible.

That’s why I write here. Fuck talent. Fuck doing what your “God-given” abilities dictate.

“Wasting” the talent you couldn’t care less about is only a subtle form of littering. And who doesn’t like throwing shit out of a car window at top speed?

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