9/11 - Yawn!

Here’s a riddle: what’s 1368 feet high, mostly made of steel, has two towers and doesn’t stand in New York City?

Did something particular come to mind? Don’t be silly. How likely is something to feature those rather strange qualities?

Well, let me help you out a little with one possible answer: A giant Terminator reading the second Lord Of The Rings book. Among a shitload of other things, mind you. I mean, chances are that if you can come up with anything at all that tall, made of steel and sporting two towers, chances are it doesn’t stand in New York. Then again, I don’t live there, so maybe I’m wrong. But wouldn’t I have heard about a huge killer robot with a fondness for fantasy books gracing the skyline of one of the biggest cities in the world by now?

But all joking aside (no matter how fucking funny it was), you already guessed it, I really want to use this opportunity to express my feelings about what happened on September 11th,  2001. And here they are for you to read, because I care about you, dear reader. It all comes from the bottom of my heart:
Damn, those crickets are vocal tonight… Wait, is it really “vocal” or do they make that cute sound with their legs or something?

Oops, sorry. Back to sharing my touching thoughts on the matter at hand:
In other words, and not many thoughts: I don’t give much of a shit.

People get killed, it’s tragic, there’s not much you can do about it, so get over it. There wouldn’t be much time left to talk about anything else if we’d make such a huge, dramatic deal out of every event causing lots of deaths.

I don’t want to talk down on those of you who really feel for the victims and their families. It’s just that I don’t. And I think it’s ridiculous how you’re not allowed not to care about it anymore. Maybe there are indeed people who are devastated whenever they hear about people dying on the news, wherever it might have happened, but I’m not really going out on a limb here by saying that such people are one in a million. And I doubt they’re happy persons either, but that’s beside the point.

So how come people are crying for years about this incident, while other events are forgotten faster than you can say “holocaust”? Bad analogy? Anyway, I don’t want to start discussing politics here, the answer is actually quite simple: for the most part, people are hypocritical shitheads. There’s not much that pisses me off more than faking dismay.

I remember watching the live report on the Towers being hit, while at work at my office. Through the smoke, fire and deaths, the only thought that ran through my head was “Maybe this means I can get out early today?”… That’s the impact it had on me.

Maybe I’m a cold-hearted asshole but at least I’m honest when I say that I don’t care about it when people who I’ve never met in my life die. And I highly doubt most of you do either, if there’s no personal connection whatsoever. Even if I had known them, chances are I wouldn’t have liked anyone. (Except for the hot blonde with the big tits, maybe.)

Could we all stop acting like that was the biggest tragedy in the history of mankind now, please? It’s about time.

Any comments? Drop me a line here.