Follow-up Articles

Grace's American Injustice Article

08/19 Original article: ... and Justice for All

08/29 Follow up: ... and Armed Revolution for All  (Carman)

Richard Harlos' Agenda Article

06/25 Original article: What If It Is True?

07/08 Follow up 1: Anatomy of Apocracy  (Grace)

Dark Entropy's Satanism Article

06/06 Original article: An Introduction to Satanism

06/19 Follow up 1: Satanism My Ass  (Carman)


Nona's Labor Article

12/14 Original article: In Labor

01/10 Follow up 1: Outed Unions? (by Carolyn D)
01/11 Follow up 2: Greedy Unions?(by Ralphie)
02/20 Follow up 3: When Unions Fail (by Nona)


Grace's Mafia Article

11/16 Original article: There is no such thing as the mafia

12/09 Follow up 1: A Truly Dead Rebel Society (by Voo)
12/15 Follow up 2: My Uncle, the Bookie (by Rosie)


Seb's and Grace's America Article

11/05 Original article: America: From the Inside Out

11/14 Follow up 1: Germany : From the Inside Out (by MD)
11/19 Follow up 2: Sebastian's Answer (by Seb)

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