The Proletariat

There is a class war going on. It is not like the French Revolution, or the Russian one, this is more of a COLD class war. I cannot place my finger on the exact time this started, so don’t ask. It is just a result of the rich getting richer, and the poor working class getting the same wages they always did, while prices for everything from distilled water to gasoline to milk keep rising.

Why is this happening? For one, you can look at my 4th of July rant "Fear is the killer". But that piece goes for the population as a whole. No, this particular thing is happening because it is easier to keep a class of people in chains than it is a race of people. Just raise the cost of college tuitions, but lower the standards to get in to said school by just a hair or two, and you will get people wanting to go to school, but having to work shit jobs as well around their school schedule. Most of the time, people will just say to hell with it and drop out. The others go on to get a job to pay their bills, buy food, with some cash left over for beer & miscellaneous. They are not well to do, but they are not hurting either.

A college degree is becoming the new high school diploma, and 80% of Americans cant afford to buy one, and yes, that’s what you do here in the USA; buy your way through school.

As a result, most Americans work shit jobs in a warehouse, do construction or waste away in customer service. They drive trucks and work their asses off to just barely scrape by. They piss and moan about how they don’t get paid enough, that the price of everything is rising, or how they cannot pay all of their bills and that the heat is going to get shut off. So they work more, pull longer hours, double shifts, and they don’t get to see their families. The proletariat will work him/herself to the bone, or even to death, all to just barely make it by the skin of their teeth.

Our society WAS a pyramid once, with the upper rich echelons on top, desk jockeys and college grads in the middle, and the blue collar worker at the base. But the middle is eroding, and now we have the blue collar to hold up the tip of the pyramid, which means it is bound to either collapse or just become an obelisk.

I say we help it collapse. Fuck the upper class, fuck your bills, fuck gasoline prices, and fuck the economy. Americans have forgotten what it is like to LIVE dammit, and it pisses me off. Most live a life of quiet desperation, yearning for their carefree youth, or the day they can retire. In between, they just go along with the machine of society, doing nigger work for table scraps.

One way we can crush this pyramid is to prevent the urban sprawl. Yes, that has EVERYTHING to do with this. The rich decided it would be a good idea to move to a rural area, with their rich preppy friends, and they started building housing developments in the middle of some farm community or in a forest, while the people who live and grew up there watch in horror as their landscape is destroyed and the SUV's roll in like tanks. With the influx of the wealthy, the local merchants can raise the price of things at the local stores, and who gets the short end of that stick?

Another way is to barter. Go to yard sales, flee markets and thrift stores for your clothes and furniture. Give corporations NOTHING if you can help it. Buy used cars and learn how to fix them, then sell them to people. For example, buy a car for $700, put about $200 into it, clean it, do what you can to make it look nice, and sell it to some kid for $1100 looking to buy his first car.

Of course there is always the good old fashion bloody-as-hell revolution, but that does nothing but rebuild the pyramid. No, if we were to revolt, it would have to leave the country in ruins for a long time (which I for one am not opposed to).

Or you can just go on living your mundane life, not enjoying it at all, and just die at the age of 55 from a heart attack. But that is no fun. I say quit your job, pack the kids up in the shitty Ford Tempo you drive, and just drive the highways like a red blood cell in an artery. It is your choice.

There is a whole world out there, waiting for someone to grab it by the balls and twist.

Why isn’t it you?

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