American Me

September Eleventh 2001.

I was 18. The day after, I was still 18...

Personally, I did not know anyone that died, nor do I know anyone that knew anyone. What happened on September 11th happens all the time in Israel, Iraq, Brazil, and a slew of other countries. It just finally made its way across the pond into our neck of the woods. Our security blanket was ripped from our comfortable bed, where we all slept happy dreamless sleeps, not worrying about shit.

Tragedy affects me weirdly; the tsunami, 911, hurricanes and shit like that, where mass amounts of people die… I don’t care. I was more affected by my dog dying than the mass liquidation of white collar workers and illegal immigrants. The things that piss me off about 911 are the firefighters dying. Blue collar workers that were trying to save the people that could not get out in time. I also get pissed off about the illegals trying to collect benefits from insurance agencies, because their loved ones died too... Too fucking bad, that’s what happens when you don’t even have a birth certificate.

9/11 happened for one reason: the Arabs hate us. The people that executed the attacks hate the American culture, they hate our laziness, our infatuation with celebrities, our longing to be beautiful and thin, our addiction to junk food and crap we don't need. And what has changed in the American attitude since then? Are we more vigilant? No. Are we thinner? Nope. What we are is angry that our little world that we thought the rest of the universe revolved around got shaken up. Like a bunch of ants in an anthill, all scrambling around to get to the kid with the big stick.

And that's another thing that I am pissed about. I like living in a country where I could jack off, have a smoke, eat a pork chop and drive a civilian tank (Hummer) at the same time. All for under $30. But no longer, because you sheep fell into line with the 9/11 doctrine.

"Oh Carman, what is that?" you ask.

I will tell you.

The day of the attacks our country united, which is fine, but we united under the government’s administration. We thought that the government would protect us. But what have they done, really? A bunch of nothing.

Remember the millennium bombers they caught crossing from Canada in 1999? Do me a favor and Google "Able Danger".

Remember after it happened, and gas prices spiked to $5 a gallon in some places, and people were lined up to fill their tanks? I do... Then they dropped, and slowly started to climb back to that price. You dumb shits will flock to anything as long as it is convenient, won’t you? In retrospect, do you think that perhaps the waters were being tested to see how much we would pay?

Then there was operation TIPS, and how some people were all for it? Then those same people thought about it and decided against it?

Remember, "If you are scared, the terrorists win", "Un-American" and how about “If you hate W - you hate America”.

It makes me sick how people just fell in line, never questioning anything in the aftermath. Never questioning the spike in gas prices, never questioning the color coded terror alerts... When will it go below yellow anyway? NEVER!  That's when. It serves a purpose to keep us on our toes. THAT is “Un-American”.

Thinking about this may as well give me an aneurysm.

So what is an American now? How did this change us? We still do the same things we used to, but we look at Habib at the gas station differently. We now hate France for pointing out the obvious, and we pay close to three dollars a gallon for gas. Again. We whisper around our political affiliations now like we are commie spies from the 50's.

Why is that? I don't know.

Think about it.

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