Happy 6/6/6!

Here it is, folks. The day is upon us. 6/6/6!


Just another stupid example of numerology used to try and explain something you can't wrap your mind around. And crap numerology at that. There has been a 6/6/06 every century, as well as a 6/66, and for some reason you think that this time around should be special?

Mmmmm... smells like vanity burning in the mind of Man.

By the way, the biblical translation got screwed along the way. The number isn't even 666. It was 616, which would have been last week, but what does it matter? There are pletny of street-corner prophets babbling on about the End of Days, but does that really mean jack squat? The earth isn't going anywhere anytime soon, kids - I am having WAY too much fun to ever allow that to happen - and we will all be distant memories when nature takes its course with this particular rock.

The term is really very adolescent in its narcissism, just like a 16 year-old who really believes that her life is a miserable failure because she broke up with the first guy she let up her skirt. It's the same with the christians who see that their world dominance has passed its peak and is starting that inexorable slide to irrelevance. Sure you could blame 2 millennia of christians perverting a decent idea (be kind to each other). It boggles the mind to see that message twisted to justify mass-murder, slavery, genocide, rape, mutilation, torture etc. Eventually the message of those who claim to come in the name of that religion loses its credibility.

Or you could blame me. Or a magic number. Or God... Yeah, blame God. Anybody but yourself, right?

What's really at stake? The dissolution of your mythology? Facing the frightening reality that you are responsible for your own actions and that nobody is going to bail you out if things get sticky? At its core, that's what it really gets down to. The difference between the goats and the sheep: The people who embrace their independence and free will, and those who are terrified by anything that challenges their worldview.

When Galileo threw his support be thehind heliocentric theory, the church and state found that threatening enough to give him a life sentence. After they came to accept the fact that the sun does indeed not revolve around the earth, guess what happened? Yup, the sun kept rising and setting and nobody mourned the passing of ignorance. The same will be true when christianity is relegated to history's scrapheap. And it will fade away with a whimper, not a bang. There will be no cataclysmic moment of ruin. Not today, and not on any other day.

Just as nature always perseveres over Man's folly, through the relentless processes of rot and decay, so will the cathedrals of the martyr become abandoned crumbling ruins like those of the Aztecs.

Sorry to disappoint the flock, but the most exciting things to happen today will be the release of the remake of The Omen, Slayer's new album, and Anne Coulter's new book. (You can purchase the book and album at Wal-Mart today, and pre-order the DVD. Thanks.)

As for the new religion, don't worry, we'll be selling you that in due time, too.

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