December 4th


The first question that starts being asked around my house at holiday time is, “Are you going to church?” My personal answer is a resounding, “NO!”

First of all, I don’t go to church all year. Why would I go on Christmas? Yea, yea, it’s the sweet, baby Jesus’ birfday. Good for him. Don’t you think it’s a little odd to go to a kid’s birthday party and pretend to drink his blood and eat his flesh? If my kid came home and his goody bag had fake blood and skin in it, I’d freak out, just a little.

Plus, you’ve got all that chanting and incense burning, special cloaks for the special people, and then the lazy-ass pastor asks you for money so he/she doesn’t have to get a real job. And this is supposed to save YOUR soul?

I think not. Christian churches have all the earmarks of a cult. People need to be rescued from it. Let’s have a holiday where we celebrate love, kindness and respect, but let’s dump the holier-than-thou attitude, shall we?

Merry fuckin’ Christmas.