December 5th
"Why Metalheads Need to Get a Grip"

Tip Toe Rosie

In the beginning I thought Metal guys, especially those who listen to Black metal, were slick. Now I see that they are just followers. Followers of what? Good, I’m glad you asked. They are actually a group that supports the Catholic Church.  And I, for one, say good for them.

Now, I have a friend... let’s call him Sebastian. Sebastian was saying to me just the other day, “Why Rosie, I’m going to go this weekend and get a big old upside down pentagram tattooed on my back.” I replied to him that it would be a big commitment to the Catholic Church. Well, Sebastian was a little put off by that. He seemed to think that by having the inverted pentagram on his back, he was paying tribute to His Holiness Satan, himself. Now, me being slightly smarter and a wee bit older, I explained to him that the devil is a Christian invention. And further more, the pentagram has been around since… oh, I don’t know… 3500 B.C. (that’s BEFORE CHRIST). The Catholic Church started its Inquisitions, and to support their arrogance and beliefs they renamed the pentagram “The Witches’ Foot” and claimed it was a sign of the devil. A devil who, by chance, had just decided to make an appearance into the world during the time of these Catholics. Maybe if they hadn’t invited him to the party to begin with, he would have stayed in Hell, unknown to this day. So, needless to say, Sebastian baby was a little put off to find out that by him running around, flipping the pentagram over and proclaiming Satan as a really cool guy, he is in actuality supporting the Catholic Church’s theories.

Flash forward a couple of weeks. I’m in a bar with my friend. Let’s just call him Carman. Now Carman has his own beliefs, and I respect anyone who takes a stand for something, even if I don’t agree with it. Carman was saying to me that he wished I wouldn’t wear my pentagram around my neck. It’s a sign of paganism, and pagans are all going to Hell, he said. I had to explain a few things to him.

Did you know that:

#1 The word “pentagram” comes from the Greek word “pentalpha” because it is composed of 5 A’s.

#2 The Celts used this symbol to honor and represent Morrigan (the kickass Warrior Goddess).

#3 The Druids used it to represent the Godhead.

#4 The Christian Emperor Constantine (the “Father of Catholicism”) used is as part of his seal and amulet.

#5 During medieval times it was put up all around the house for protection. It was thought to represent truth, and to offer protection against demons.

#6 In later years it was adopted  and used by the Freemasons.

#7 For those of you into King Arthur, legend says that his nephew, Sir Gawain, used the pentagram on his shield to protect him in battle.

I could go on and on with this, but I thought I would save the scariest for last. Now this was taught to me by my grandma. You better go turn on a light. This is gonna freak you the hell out.

If you take a pentagram and put it point up, in old Baltic and Celtic countries, it represents Summer. Point down (ya know the scary old goat head), and it represents Winter.

So before you go around digging ink into your body to show your allegiance to evil, with tats of devils and inverted pentagrams, consider that you are, in fact, just supporting the old stuffy traditions of the Catholic Church, amongst other not at all Satanic things.