December 11th
Birthdays Rock


Birthdays rock. It’s a day when the whole world is supposed to be about you. From the minute you wake up until your head hits the pillow; it’s all you, you, you. 

Unless your birthday falls near a holiday. Especially at Christmas. If your birthday falls anytime in the month of December, chances are you are getting royally screwed out of presents, attention or both.

When you’re a little kid, you don’t notice so much. Around the age of 6 or 7, you start to realize that your friends have parties and sleepovers on their birthdays, and you don’t. You notice that your birthday presents are the “gifts with purchase” that come with other people’s Christmas presents. And they’re wrapped with last year’s Christmas paper.

On the plus side, you can count on “combination” gifts for high tickets items, like televisions and stereos. That’s when your parents say “this is your birthday AND Christmas present, so don’t expect anything else.”  Yea, thanks.

Let’s face it, if you were born in December, and angels didn’t herald your birth, you can’t compete. Sweet baby Jesus owns your birthday. Chances are, this year is no different.

Merry fuckin’ Christmas. (or Happy fuckin’ Birthday)