Soldier Blue
I fucking hate U.S. Soldiers. IT’S TRUE! Well, for the most part it’s true. I can’t hate a veteran of ‘nam or someone who fought in WWII. Come to think of it. I hate every soldier that has joined the army after George H.W. Bush became president. All the grunts I meet from this era have been the most arrogant, pompous, assholes. These people think that I owe them something because they are “defending my freedom”. Well, that’s a lie right there. Let’s take a look.

FIRST OFF! The oath:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Obviously these Jarheads are NOT defending us. Not from the invasion from Mexico, not from Iraqi’s that did nothing to us as citizens, and obviously not from people who want to destroy the Constitution. If so, they would have shot 365 people in 2001. But alas, there they are; still in power.

It’s painfully obvious that this country is being invaded by Mexico, and the government and our mighty soldiers do NOTHING to stop it, except sit back and smile. It’s not very P.C. to say anything to the opposite. Motherfuckers.  How hard is it to put some Mexican heads on pikes and stick them in the dirt along the border? I wouldn’t think it’s THAT hard. But, then again...

Then there is the Patriot Act (I stole this from the ACLU website):

Section 215 allows the FBI to order any person or entity to turn over "any tangible things," so long as the FBI "specif[ies]" that the order is "for an authorized investigation . . . to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities." Section 215 vastly expands the FBI's power to spy on ordinary people living in the United States, including United States citizens and permanent residents.

+ The FBI need not show probable cause, nor even reasonable grounds to believe, that the person whose records it seeks is engaged in criminal activity.

+ The FBI need not have any suspicion that the subject of the investigation is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power.

+ The FBI can investigate United States persons based in part on their exercise of First Amendment rights, and it can investigate non-United States persons based solely on their exercise of First Amendment rights. * For example, the FBI could spy on a person because they don't like the books she reads, or because they don't like the web sites she visits. They could spy on her because she wrote a letter to the editor that criticized government policy. Those served with Section 215 orders are prohibited from disclosing the fact to anyone else.

+ Those who are the subjects of the surveillance are never notified that their privacy has been compromised. * If the government had been keeping track of what books a person had been reading, or what web sites she had been visiting, the person would never know.


I owe these Jarheads nothing. Now, there are most probably some assholes reading this saying that I should be shot for treason. I say BRING IT! I’m allowed to hate whoever the fuck I want. IT’S TRUE! And I can speak my mind about it, too. That’s the whole point with this country. So fucking shoot me and prove me right. Shoot me and prove that our freedom’s gone, and that our so called soldiers have done nothing to stop it. Hell, I bet some of those no neck jock faggots would like to help shut it down permanently.

“Carman, it’s easy to say that NOW, I bet you wouldn’t say that to a soldier’s FACE!”

I beg to fucking differ. I would and have. But only after they make it known to the whole cluster of everyone around them what they are and that I should thank them. Motherfucker, you volunteered to get your head shot off. Then you parade around like you are King Shit. Bitch, please! I don’t bow down to the guy that likes to bungee jump or sky dive either. I don’t shine the shoes of the person who scuba dives, so why should I buy you drinks and swing from your nut sack?

Every modern grunt I have met thinks he is either Billy Jack or John Wayne. They can kick ANYONE’S ass. I doubt it. Fighting in the military used to be a way of life. Those two problem solvers at the end of your arms solved ANY dispute between fellow soldiers. It’s not like that anymore. These new grunts are trained for High Tech Shit, NOT hand to hand combat. Is it any surprise that some of our best soldiers are from days of yore, and not now? I didn’t think so. There is no actual Hand’s On Combat anymore. Just looking through a crosshair and pushing a button. Doesn’t put hair on your chest. Especially if you can’t see the whites of the enemy’s eyes. Then again, I am sure some satellite is looking at the whites of my eyes right this second.

FUN FACT! Recruiters will tell a potential boot to “Say no to everything” when the kid starts filling out the application paperwork. A person is automatically disqualified if they have EVER tried a mind altering substance. So, what do we have? An armed service full of Ubermenschen or filthy liars? Not that I am saying 100% of them have lied on their applications, but I am willing to bet it is a high percentage. All of these jocks are paragons of virtue and abstinence? Fucking, please.

A recruiter cares about ONE thing, and one thing only: meeting his quota. That’s it. He or she will promise anyone anything they want to hear. If you think the army is like the movies, they will reinforce that. If you want to be like Rambo, they will tell you that you CAN. They’ll tell you whoever your favorite celebrity is, also was in whatever branch they are trying to recruit you for. “Yeah, Kerry King was a Navy Seal. Didn’t you know?” And dumb people eat it up.

The Armed Forces, specifically the Army and the Marines, is a place for jocks to go when they are to dumb for college and can’t find a job where being dumb and big is a plus. Look at these questions from an actual Army application:

If X + 6 = 7, then X is equal to

A: -1
B:  0
C:  1
D:  7/6

An eclipse of the sun throws the shadow of the:

A: Moon on the sun
B: Moon on the earth
C: Earth on the sun
D: Earth on the moon

MY GOD! Those are hard. If you’re six. Do good on that test and you can get any job you want. And yes, I have taken the ASVAB. My AFQT was 82. With retarded fucking questions like the ones shown above, it’s not saying much. Oh, and 82 is in the top 3 percent of some shit.

So people that can add ONE are fighting terror and standing up for our freedom, even though they would probably never be able to figure out the politics of it all. Great.

Grunts have an arrogance about them that turns most civilians off. I know because I am one (a civilian). They think they are indestructible (the soldiers that is). Lest we forget Abu Ghraib, My Lai, and lord knows what else I am forgetting. Guess we do forget.

It used to be a fucking honor to serve, but all that changed with Vietnam. But those who joined voluntarily were honored, still, to defend this nation and have their names in the records, however obscure they may be.  

“It’s because of a soldier that you are allowed to say all this stuff without being shot!”

Not because of today’s grunt. It’s because of my grandfather, of course, and my father, and my great grandfather all the way back to whenever my forefathers came to this country.

When George Sr took power, he tried to be Reagan and failed miserably. Then Bubba took office and military cuts were executed. Bases were closed, the old vets were retired out and overall standards were changed drastically. On top of all this and the pay cuts, more G.I.’s saw better opportunities in the civilian world. Out with the old skool in with da new!

Afghanistan is a just and good battle. We were attacked and we went to kick some ass. FUCK YEAH! What about Afghanistan? Oh shit, that’s right, all of our effort is focused on IRAQ, and people still join up, knowing that we are in an unjust war there. Once again, recruiters will lie about anything… oh, wait, the newspeak is “downplay”.

Well, I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Most soldiers say that the President is the best ever. Regardless of who is in charge. I personally feel Teddy Roosevelt was the best, but that’s just me. I think that most grunts nowadays don’t even know any President before Jimmy Carter. Except perhaps Jackson, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, and.... See a pattern? Notice I said most.

Now, sailors are different. And so is the Navy. What branch has the most elite fighting force on the planet? The Navy! Who has the best pilots? The Navy! Who has the best code breakers, translators and science labs? The FUCKING NAVY! YES! Send those SEALS in to fuck some shit up and KILL anyone that stands in the way of our country.

Marines hate to admit that all their branch is, is just sailors that are to dumb to sail. The Army has nothing really going for it except cannon fodder from the lower rungs of society. But the American people won’t miss them anyway. Poor bastards from the ghettos can die in a gang war in the hood, or get blown up by a car bomb in Baghdad. It’s all the same.

In closing I will say it again: I owe these soldiers NOTHING.  No respect, no Honor, nothing. They are not fighting for my freedom, but rather fighting to solidify things I do not believe in, while the Mexicans are crawling across our borders like a migration of rats. They have nothing to be proud about and they do nothing for me. I will give the same gift in kind.

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