As I mentioned in another article, I don’t like self proclaimed Holy Men. They have an arrogance about them, like they are the wisest people on the planet. They  also seem to clique together. Kind of like flies.

Televangelists, Stentors, Catholic priests; they all seem to be twisted pervs with a public persona of all that is righteous, good, and wholesome. This type of behavior makes me want to puke. I once sold gay porn to the mayor of my town.

I saw him a year later at a pig picking, where local politicians go to be with the constituency. I walked up to him as he was talking to someone and told him what was on my mind. I told him that we needed a red light district here in town, that I don’t like the idea of a strip club being right next to Toys R Us™, that the highway leading into town needs to be widened and that some of those porn stores (one of which I was working at when I sold him said porn) needed to be shut down, because they are nothing but Cruzys (where gay people go to suck each other off - duh). He got this look on his face and then told me that the red light district would never work. “But it does in Las Vegas and New Orleans. It did in New York City and Atlanta,” I said. He then proceeded to tell me it was Un-Godly! I said that so was watching gay porn. I saw it in his eyes, sudden recognition, but before he could say anything, I walked off and got drunk.

These people are supposed to be our role models, what we SHOULD aspire to be like. Good, God-fearing people. But no one tells us that Holy men and leaders are, for the most part, hypocrites. They don’t live by “The Word”; they live by the power they wield over the dumb and naive. They don’t care about the people, they only care about themselves. And preachers are the worst… The preacher I had back in the long long ago, when I still bothered to go to church, was caught cheating on his wife, BY HIS OWN FUCKING SON! You know what happened? He kept his post! The deacons decided that forgiveness was best, and that the rest of the congregation should extend the same grace. That’s when I went over to the other church instead, but the scum that was there turned me off to churches forever.

Did you know that most Southern Baptist preachers never went to seminary school? That does not bother ME so much as the fact that these same preachers don’t know their fucking Bibles, only the passages that suit them and their twisted philosophies. Most people think that Noah brought two of every kind onto the Ark. But what the Bible says is that he was to take the clean animals by SEVEN and the unclean by TWO.  Baptists, for instance, don’t know this. The Bible is just an accessory to them.

Most people treat the Bible like they did the basic science book in high school; you go to the parts that sound cool, like space and chemistry. Folks will go to Revelations and Proverbs, and even at that they will just kind of glance it over. Baptist preachers do the same, but just point out the parts that get them paid, like in Corinthians 9. So when the preacher DOES speak about greed, he somehow deflects skepticism towards him or her.

Also, chew on this for a minute or two: People go to school for 12 years, on an average. Afterwards, they get a diploma stating that they have basic reading, writing, math, and social skills. The piece of paper in itself means nothing, but the fact that most people know these things, after being taught them for 12 years, means everything. Now, why is it then that people can go to church for 35 - 60 years, and still need a preacher to tell them what to think about the scriptures? They don’t call it a shepherd leading sheep for no reason, ya know?

Look at Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, and the others. Those are just the ones that actually got caught. The stupid fucks that believe that Benny Hinn and Ernest Angley can heal people through a touch and some Pig-Latin are just rolling over to throw money away, because that’s all 99% of all preachers want; your money.

Now take a look at the Catholic Church, the oldest Christian denomination. That’s because they wiped out most of the competition back in the long LONG long ago. The priests have a good grasp of the Bible, and also know how to make their “flock” dance at a whim. They know what they are doing. They are pros.

Seventh Son of a Preacher Man
A heathen, who happens to be very close to me, pointed out that old Rome was basically a Jr version of our day’s modern Earth. They had running water, indoor plumbing, and were highly advanced. Then Christianity came onto the scene and fucked progress up. I say that person is right, to a point. Christianity did not fuck up Human Progress, but greedy, ignorant, superstitious people mistook knowledge for witchcraft and stomped out all the nature religions and whole matriarchal societies.

Those nature scientists were executed for heresy and witchcraft, because by the time the executions started, A: Civilization was on the decline, and B: Nature science suggested that the Church was not all knowing, which is bad for business. And that, coincidentally, is all churches are; business - and the preachers are just the managers of each branch.

“But, Carman, if Adam bit into an apple from the tree of knowledge, that means God wanted us to be ignorant. Also, a woman bit it first, that means women are smarter, you misogynist PIG!”

(This is just my opinion, I am no expert:) That apple gave Man the knowledge of God. But since Humans are generally fucked up beings, we fuck things up. By that logic, we should all be living in a hippie commune, not having a care in the world, except for the Morlocks!!!!!

I don’t know, maybe people need to be told what to think. Perhaps I am in the wrong line of business, but I would feel guilty exploiting people for their money. I find it disgusting that preachers live in luxury, while the rest of the congregation can barely pay the electric bill.

It used to be that the church would get donated money, and kind of hold on to it, in case a member needed it. In case times got tough, all around the community. This was especially big in the black communities back in the day in America. It was kind of a bank, with the preacher man as the keeper, but the concept has now been exploited into big business. I think I have already explained this in another article. If not, you get what I mean anyway.

Notice, also, that Holy men will rally the troops against pot, while the Bible says:

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the HERB yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth, and it was so”

Even though it's in the Bible they rag on it, while tobacco use is OK. Hmm... I don’t smoke weed, personally, but I would be a liar if I said that I consider it a sin. Or so I think it is. Just ask a Baptist preacher, to make sure. That verse is from Genesis, 11:1. FUN FACT! That verse is what those dirty Rastas used to cite to justify Marijuana use, by the way. That unreliable wikipedia can be awesome sometimes!

In the end, it ends up being the choice of the individual whether they want to believe all the crap being spewed from the pulpit, or not. I have faith in the people reading this page that they know bullshit when they hear it, or see it. So the next time some preacher man wants money from you, give him some Monopoly fun bucks… it will pretty much be the same thing the people of the congregation get back in return: Monopoly fake philosophies.

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