The Sal Dali Code

Do you remember when cyborgs ruled the planet? Of course you don’t, but it happened. Yes, it did. It happened 30 years ago, and one person tried to warn us; his name was Salvador Dali. Yes, the artist. He was a part of a secret organization dedicated to stopping the Time Rovers from destroying the past to control the future, and he did his best to try and warn us. If you look at his work you will see the warnings and messages, clear as daylight, after applying some clever code breaking, of course.

Take for example his most famous painting, “Persistence of Memory”:

You see Time melting away like wax, and the Time Rovers, represented by ants, taking over a closed watch that has NOT yet melted. Why ants, you ask. An ant is the strongest creature on the planet. They are organized, deadly, and can carry 50 TIMES their own body weight. The Time Rovers are together a powerful entity, belonging to a greater mind. They are not people, exactly, but have humanoid form. They are ageless, but not immortal, and they have sole dominion over three different dimensions, and are persistently looking to take over the fourth - ours. This Dali pointed out in his work, “Search for the Fourth Dimension”:
Notice the melting clock dead center, but also the people looking for it. These people represent the true warriors, looking for the center of TIME itself, to defend it against the hoard of ants looking to destroy us. The ants are not in this picture for THAT very reason.

Dali knew about the Time Rovers because they approached him, showing him glimpses of his future wife, Gala, images of the Spanish Civil War, and also hints of the awesome power he would be granted if he joined them. Unbeknownst to Salvador, his art held the key to the fourth dimension, and in effect so also to Time ITSELF!

The research I have done on this is extensive; I have talked with Dali scholars from around the world, and they all told me to fuck off. All, that is, except ONE, who wishes to remain anonymous. This man, I will call him Mr. X, said that no one will talk because I am too close to the truth. The Time Rovers are among us at this very moment. He also told me that in the 1970's, the Time Rovers sent cyborgs to the past, or what we would have considered the present at the time (of course), to take over the upper echelons of government. These ‘borgs were people in the U.N. - most notably Kurt Waldheim! But the group Dali was a part of was able to prevent any violence from happening, and by the 80's these people were out of power.

Here’s another key to the mystery of it all, "The Temptation of St. Anthony":

NOTE! The Washington monument on the back of an elephant, the logo for the REPUBLICAN PARTY! The republicans are trying to trample on our souls, but they are doing it in such a way that we don’t even know it. Hence the stilts they are wearing. Take special note of “St. Anthony”, holding the cross against them, and that the flaming PALE horse, which represents DEATH, is afraid of the CROSS. JESUS WILL SAVE YOUR SOULS. Was Jesus reborn in Dali's warped mind?

Dali is long dead now, but the message still gets across. Take for example all the “Science Fiction” that has taken the film market by storm. Films like Terminator, Them, Back to the Future, and Millennium... My source tells me that this media is all designed by ancient secret and powerful societies to prepare us for the future. No one wants to believe, but in the back of their minds, they already know since they subconsciously have been trained for years, in front of their TVs in their own living rooms. I am here to wake people up to the fact that they are already slaves! There is no Keyser Soze!

Mr. X showed me numerous works of Dali that have the Time and Ant theme to them, way too many to list here, but he especially pointed out “Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumblebee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening”:

Note ONCE AGAIN, the ELEPHANT in the background, walking towards the “pomegranate”, which represents the Earth of our future. The painting shows the evolution of the Time Rovers, from Fish to Predators, to weapons, all attacking a HUMAN woman. These Time Rovers want our women to be defiled, raped, and impregnated with their own progeny. In the future, the abominable offspring are grown in vats, and only males, because CHINA took over the world in the Red Rice Revolution in the year 2525! All represented in “Visage of War”:
THE TIME ROVERS ARE CHINAMEN! The Chinese government will stop at NOTHING to prevent the truth from coming out! It is no coincidence that Cthulu is located so close to the Orient. Think about it! Lovecraft was another prominent member of the same society Dali was a part of. A true warrior for the cause! And they all turned bat shit crazy from the knowledge they gained!

In conclusion I would like to say FUCK YOU DAN BROWN! I just thought of this shit, typed it out, and got the pictures in about 30 minutes, TOPS! And this cunt lip gets every slack jawed writer swinging from his nuts over “The Da Vinci Code”. A story about conspiracy theories based in history and heavily distorted to fit the formula of a generic fiction novel. Not that there is anything wrong with THAT, but what gets under my skin is that I hear people now claim to be “experts” on subjects like the Illuminati, the Holy Grail (in all its varieties) and related stuff because they read Dan Brown’s books. Kind of like someone reading Arthur Schopenhauer for the first time and becoming an asshole for about a year.

Go into a Barnes & Noble and you will see Da Vinci shit EVERYWHERE! The shelves are almost imploding from all the peripheral literature on the subject. People riding Brown’s coat tails all the way to the damn bank. It irritates the shit out of me, dear reader. When I walk into a bookstore, I don’t want to have one single subject thrown into my damn face. It turns me off to the store and from wanting to buy things. I know, I know… that is marketing, but goddamn… more people than just the village idiots go into a bookstore.

What the hell is all this shit? “Hudson Hawk” talked about Leonardo Da Vinci back in the 80's and no one made a fuss this big. And I am willing to bet “Hudson Hawk” is MUCH better than “The Da Vinci code”. I never read the book, nor will I ever. I have heard all about it from just about every one I meet who reads, so I am now also an expert. See how that works? I have refused to watch films on the same principal. I’ll watch “Hudson Hawk” all over again though. Or Conan the Barbarian maybe… That was a true warrior! I am just waiting for a NEW Conan film. Although I bet they would get someone like The Rock to play The Cimmerian, officially making me hate The Rock.

Back to “The Da Vinci Code”. “If you like stuff like religious history, you will LOVE this book, Carman.” is what I was told by someone I worked with last year. LAST YEAR! I told the girl that I already knew about the Knights Templar, the agnostics, the Holy Grail, and all that fun stuff, and if this book is true to life, the protagonist would have been killed long ago.  But it did not matter, I saw in her eyes that this book, to her, was as real as it gets. This was her fucking Bible. Dumb people will always be impressed by facts they can’t check.

This tells me that most people already know something is fishy, and are therefore inclined to buy into shit like this. They know that an elite few rule the world, but they do not know about the 13 families who actually do (supposedly); Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn to be exact. Some say the Merovigian line is in there too, but that would make it 14, not 13.

Do I believe at least that part of the conspiracy theories? Kind of. I would not be surprised if it turned out to be true. Call me a skeptical believer. Nothing can really shock me when it comes to world politics or conspiracies anymore, because I have heard it ALL. From David Icke to Alex Jones. From Bohemian Grove to the Bilberberg Group. All this stuff is FACT, but a lot has been distorted. Alex Jones actually got into Bohemian Grove and recorded his adventures... Follow this link:

Click Here For Some Cool Shit!

The Media won’t even mention this shit when talking about the power players of the world. The media likes to make things seem as sweet as pie, or nail politicians to the wall over petty bullshit like blowjobs and whatnot. People are too afraid to know the goddamn motherfucking actual TRUTH, and instead they find solace in fictional books about real topics, without doing the research into what they are reading about. People like to be told what to do, what to believe, what to watch, what to listen to, what to wear, etc. etc.

“But Carman, by believing this quack Alex Jones, you are nothing but a hypocrite.” I never claimed I was not. I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time I see fit. So fuck off.

So this 666 business… It’s just another ancient Conspiracy Theory floating around amongst thousands of others. No better and no worse than shit like “The Da Vinci Code”. Take a look at some of the stuff mentioned in this article. Research the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, The Bilderberg group, Bohemian Grove. Check out Ted Gunderson, and perhaps you will have an idea on what is going on.

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