Mission Statement

Goddammit! I never gave a mission statement...

OK, let me explain what Project UDO is all about:

It is snide page by some cynical people, namely myself with a few others, who are tired of fashion trends, high society in the news, and just pop culture in general. What our plans are is to give ANYONE who feels the same way we do a padded cell to sound off in. Submissions from readers are welcome and encouraged. I love to see what other like-minded people have to say. Also, I love to see others piss and moan about how wrong I am. There are TWO kinds of people in this world. People like ME, and ASSHOLES (people like most of YOU).

I love fight videos, too. And videos of people hurting themselves… I jack off to “Faces of Death 4” on a daily basis, just to let you know. People acting stupid deserve what happens to them. So original videos are also encouraged. You will not be compensated for any bills that may incur from you doing these stupid things, but still make sure to mention “Project Udo” in the video for the Staff’s amusement. 

Read the “I Hate People”-series and add to it if you want. Who do YOU hate? Or tell a story of something you did to someone that is already on that list. This isn’t just MY page, it is YOURS too. Cynical bastards unite! And it’s Ken’s page too, because he has explored every highway, and now he is on the “information autobahn”. You will meet him a little later, once he gets off his fossil ass and submits his fucking chronicles.

Devlin is my right hand man. “The Man on the Street”. But he can’t be on every street. Help him out by giving field reports from your town. Think of Project UDO as our own retarded Project Mayhem.

To the Kids reading this, don’t let the bastards keep you down! You will become more jaded with age and learn how to forge that sweet bitterness into a sword. Don’t be afraid to tell it like it fucking is. Call that loud black kid a shit skinned ghetto dweller. Ask that Mexican girl next to you in class if it is true that beaner women are born 3 months pregnant. Have that Asian kid do your math assignment. And that white jock with the flashy car... fuck his girlfriend. And if you can’t fuck her, tell her you murdered millions of your potential children thinking about her that morning.

Once again, Project UDO or deadrebelsociety.com cannot be held responsible for your actions.  We're not that fucking stupid.

Enjoy the page, and check out the rest of the site.


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