Legalize Murder
There has not been much on my mind worth mentioning. Honest and truly, the well may have run dry. OK, that’s not right... in all actuality, I am working on my art a lot these days. Which DOES bring me to something, I came across this gem in an article the other day. If Grace has already gone off on a tangent about it somewhere, I didn’t see it. Sue me.

"The book had a bunch of very bad language in it," Diana Verm said. "It shouldn’t be in there because it's offending people. - - -  If they can't find a book that uses clean words, they shouldn’t have a book at all”

This person is talking about Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. So what if this is old news, it is on my mind so fuck off. Besides, this type of shit happens every fucking day all across the country. Self righteous sons of bitches who think they can dictate what I let MY child read... if I had a child that is, which I never would because they are a bunch of filthy buggers.

Americans do things like this, and wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us. The article goes on to say:

"It's just all kinds of filth," said Alton Verm, adding that he had not read 'Fahrenheit 451.' "The words don't need to be brought out in class. I want to get the book taken out of the class."

I found that nice stuff here. I am not paying for that shit, so I also googled it for the exact quotes. So if you know Alton Vern, be sure to check out my favorite bible quote of all time: 1 Corinthians 11:14-15. It will make zero sense, but fuck it, no one said it was supposed to:

Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears his hair long it is a disgrace to him,

whereas if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because long hair has been given (her) for a covering?

Another thing I have been pondering is why I “cannot” advocate murder. It’s strange, but the Metzger case proves that I “cannot”. The short version is that some skinheads up in Portland, Oregon, killed some black dude and the police found some writings of Metzger’s saying to act violently towards anyone who is not of pure Aryan stock. Well, some shit-heel named Morris Dees decided that Metzger was at fault, and took him to trial, and Dees won! So I guess I am not allowed to say something like "Fred Phelps deserves an aluminum bat to the skull" because I could be held accountable for what some crazy ass does to him, much later. It’s a shame my freedom of speech and expression can be limited because someone else, somewhere, is insane enough to take things they read seriously. That is not my fucking problem.

I find it annoying that people do not keep up on this shit.  So what if Fred Phelps were to be brained outside his house. Would the world really cry in sorrow and pain because a great theologian has been extinguished from the earth? I don’t think so. I am sure he is a great man, though. I bet he and God have great conversations about those sodomites in America, Sweden, and other countries that go against the will of God. To bad God gave us free will, huh? Evangelists and extreme Christians hate that shit; Free will. They black that out of their bibles with big Sharpies.

If you do not know who Fred Phelps is, look here.

Yup, he was going to protest at a funeral of Amish children who were murdered. I am sure God was pleased that children, who have done nothing, were killed - obviously all because sodomites have been on the planet since the dawn of time! What a douche.... (Phelps, not God.)

I have a plan for when I am in charge - a legal defense. I call it Carman’s Law. What it is, is that it would be ok to commit murder, but in court you have to prove that the person really deserved it, and that the world is a better place because of it. So “The bitch took my CDs” is NOT a valid reason, but “He killed my dog because it chewed with it’s mouth open” IS a valid reason. Of course, I would be the only judge. It is after all MY law. Maybe the few others who think like I do would have the opportunity to rule every once in a while. ALSO, once a year, we would have the Murder Fest. That  is a day when murder would be allowed for a 24 hour period, once a year. Everyone over the age of 18 would get ONE and only ONE free kill of someone else over the age of 18. No insurance could be collected on someone who died on that day. Sorry folks, but we have to have SOME order. But under Carman’s Law, the murder rate would drop drastically for the rest of the year instead. People would just use their free day to do their dirty work. It makes sense to me.

Also under Carman’s Law, punishment would be swift and brutal. No more would we wait on the appeals process, and 90% of the backlog at the DNA bank would be deleted. I bet most of them are for the Maury Povich show anyway (no one cares who your babies daddy is, sistah). The only ones who would not be deleted are the death row inmates. Then the lifers, so one and so forth. Under Carman’s law, we already know you are guilty, so if you have not proven to us that you had a valid reason, you die that Sunday on the capital steps of whatever province you happen to reside in.

Carman’s Law is FLAWLESS. I have been called a whimsical crazy by others I have shared it with, but that person is wrong (you know who you are). I am not crazy, my logic is perfect, however I may have twisted it. Rest assured that I sleep well at night knowing that my revolutionary ideas can make the world a better place. What have YOU done to make it better? Remember Carman’s Law and get back to me. You can find me on the message boards (my God we need the traffic, it is so dead that even Grace’s skeletal remains won't have sex with it.). No smileys, please, the moderators will ban anyone who uses them.

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