Jesus Camp

Yup, I watched this documentary. Let me tell you something right now, it got me thinking about my faith. Truly. See, this film is about an Evangelical Christian summer camp. It trains kids to be soldiers in GAWD’S ARMY! It mostly centers around this kid named Levi, who seemed like a smart kid, but brainwashed all to hell. He claims to have been saved when he was five. Yes, FIVE! It brought to mind Luke 18:10-14:

Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican (That would be a priest and a peasant, for all you fucktards – not an Egyptian emperor and a pelican). The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,
“God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.”
And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying,
“God be merciful to me, a sinner.”
I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

This film shows, in detail, how the Fundamentalist so called Christians use their children for their own agendas. These people really feel they are doing God’s work. And they may be, for all I know. Who am I to try and guess the Divine Plan? Carman, THAT’S WHO!

“Good lord, if that guy ever reads what I have written using this name, I am finished.”

My opinion of this movie is that everyone should see it, just to see where our country is heading. The vast funds of these guys wield some serious control of every branch of Government here in America. The chick who started Jesus Camp says that she wants Christian children to be as fanatical about their faith as the Muslim kids are. She wants these kids to have the fanaticism to strap bombs to their chests and blow themselves up IN THE NAME OF THE LAWD1!11! 

There are so many gems for quotes in this movie, and thinking back on it, I feel even MORE sorry for that Levi kid. Here is what his mother had to say.

While home schooling the poor kid out of a Christian text book: “Did you get to the part yet where they say that science hasn't proven anything?”

Nice. She also goes on to say that Global Warming is a myth. Now I agree on this, but my argument is THIS.

A: The polarity of the planet has changed before, and will again. Just because Greenland and Antarctica are melting, doesn’t mean it won’t get cold somewhere else. Mother Nature has a way of evening herself out.

B: Maybe the planet just needs to douche herself of humans. It may be for the best.

But these fundis don’t think like I do (who does?). EVERYTHING is faith based. EVERYTHING. These kids were swearing allegiance to George W. Bush and the Christian flag AND the Bible. Unless they can read ancient hebrew and other dead languages, they should not be swearing allegiance to it.

I am curious about what will happen to these kids when they get older. Will they still be brainwashed, or will some of them wise up and realize that they were used by their parents and others as tools for political gain?

As for being saved at five? Let me tell you something, LEVI. You know NOTHING about sin, and certainly not enough to know what real salvation is like. Tossing one off in the shower is no big deal. Oh, wait, I forgot. A sin is a sin. Rape is as much a sin as stealing a loaf of bread. MY GAWD! He does know what it’s like to sin (and I have been wasting my time with the smaller ones).

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