Fear is the killer

"The tree of Liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson

"Revolution is a spectator sport"
Tom Metzger

I am passionate about politics, have been since I was about 14. I guess that is a good thing, considering that most people my age do not give a shit. Well, it is Independence weekend, and figured I should do my patriotic duty and say something about the current condition of good ol' US of A. It may seem like the ramblings of a madman, but I just put my thoughts down like some people make notes. If it seems poorly written, I understand your opinion, but don’t really care either way.

Before 9/11/01 nobody in America gave a shit about what the government really said or did. Sure, we bitched about gas-prices going up 50 cents in two years, the taxes and we thought that all politicians were slime, but we were pretty much busy leading our own lives and worrying about OUR problems.

Then the terrorists attacked...

After that, EVERYONE waved a flag and EVERYONE LOVED AMERICA. We are the best, fuckers, and if you fuck with us you are going DOWN. Where was this mentality on 9/10/01? Nowhere, because no one cared. The closest thing we had to terrorists were the militia men that like to play Rambo on weekends and talk about how the Z.O.G. (Zionist Occupied Government) was going to take our rights away. We thought those cracker ass weirdos were crazy, we were wrong. Does anyone remember the time when having an American flag on your porch meant that you were a gun nut?

I do.

Washington never had a stranglehold on the Collective American Mind prior to 9/11. Right after the incident they placed a firm grip and presented the concept of the "evil doer", the enemy. Who is an "evil doer"? Someone who fights against The USA of course. An "evil doer" can be ANYONE; your neighbor, best friend, kid or spouse. We must stay vigilant and watch out for the "evil doer" or else they will cut your head off while you sleep, sodomize your dog, shit on your stove and burn the American Flag in your yard! All because you live in The USA.

Also, be sure to watch out for the gas that they will release, so duct-tape EVERYTHING in your house and watch the terror alerts, but live your lives and do not let the "evil doers" scare you, or else they have already won! Remember, the root word of “terrorist” is TERROR.

People are afraid to criticize anything the government does now for fear of being un-patriotic. 9/11 was allowed to happen because the powers that be wanted that choke hold on the American people, something they did not have before.

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

The Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear

Fear is what’s keeping the American people in check. What people fail to realize is that the terrorists hate America not because we are American, but because of our politics in regards to the Middle East. What the power structure wants is control over the vast oil fields, which will soon be worth its weight in gold. Oil makes the world go around, it is the lifeblood of the planet. But it is a non-renewable resource which is quickly becoming depleted. The Mad Max films come to mind.

I do not feel I have to explain my political views to anyone so I am not going to. These are just my opinions, not the reasons for why I have them. I am as passionate about them as I am about my religious views, and like them… they are mine, and mine alone. I have tried to before to explain these views and opinions, and found that if people want to know something, they will look it up on their own. Trying to explain something like this is like trying to explain calculus to a dog. I have been following this shit for so long, that I am kind of a Zen master of it all. Anyone with half a brain knew that 9/11 was going to happen. If you did not, then I pity you. I do not wish to try and open the eyes of everyone, because slowly people are realizing what is going on anyway.

So this Fourth of July, do something patriotic. Buy a gun (or 50), oil them up nice and gooey, put them in an air-tight drum, take it out into the woods and bury it. Tell NO ONE you did this.

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